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by Jon Bowles
Dealing With Each Other for Unity At The Feast
given Owerri Nigeria 20 Aug 2005
This Sermon was given in Nigeria where the brethren will keep the Feast without a minister present. Mr Armstrong found that when a Church found itself in similar circumstances, there were often problems - but this was before the Internet, cassette tapes, mobile phones etc. Today, God expects us to grow in grace and knowledge on an individual basis - and there are specific steps we can take to ensure that Godly unity can be maintained. (11.1 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
Be of Good Courage
given Wales UK 13 Aug 2005
Just as ancient Israel needed courage in their journey to the Promised Land, so do we today in our journey to the Kingdom of God. And being of good courage and not fearing what men can do in the future - is going to require practice today. (2.2 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
I lift up my eyes to the hills - taken from Psalm 121
sung Wales UK 13 Aug 2005
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by Mr Armstrong
Trumpets 85 - HWAs Final Sermon
given 16 Sept 1985 - played Wales UK 13 Aug 2005
This sermon was the last message preached by Mr Armstrong before his death a few months later. Although given on the Day of Trumpets, the subject matter is timeless - and places our existence into the framework of God's overall Plan and the soon coming return of Jesus Christ to this earth. As always, the importance of correctly understanding the two trees figures just as strongly as ever within it. View transcript (10.8 Mb)


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by Ian Henderson
Lessons from Jeremiah 32
given Bristol UK 6 Aug 2005
Jeremiah found himself in prison, the princes wanted him killed, the city was under siege by the Babylonians and people were dying of famine and disease. Yet in the midst of this hostile, difficult environment - God commanded him to buy a field! Why? (1.9 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
He Who Dwells Within Your Secret Place - taken from Psalm 91
sung Bristol UK 6 Aug 2005
 (1.9 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Practicing Righteousness
given Bristol UK 6 Aug 2005
This Sermon emphasizes that as disciples (students of God's Way) God expects us to practice righteousness. This is not just one off - but for all situations. God will train us over and over again to this end. Five points are covered: Why Israel failed; On the job training; Being faithful in little; Spiritual exercise; Practicing - to perfection. (11.9 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 30 July 2005
This news analysis deals with the recent terror attacks in London, and some of the more disturbing comments that have been made as a result - comments that may eventually even have an impact on God's Church. Legislation is being passed that has to be seen to be "even handed", so the measures proposed are not just designed against Islamic organizations, but other religious organizations as well. However, a key ingredient that separates us from such groups in the eyes of the world is given - that we are pre-millenialist, and therefore only believe in the forcible replacement of civilization after the return of Jesus Christ. (1.5 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Hungering for God's Righteousness
given 11 June 1983 - played Wales UK 30 July 2005
This sermon was given when the Church was being put back on Track - and deals extensively with the makeup issue and how some would only agree to change if they were backed into a corner by scripture. Mr. Armstrong points out that sin involves much more than breaking the letter of the law. It involves an attitude that flows contrary to God's Life Style. We must instead hunger and thirst for that Life Style - That Way - the very righteousness of God. (10.2 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
The Value of Human Life
given Wales UK 23 July 2005
The people of God are not merely ordinary - but even less than ordinary according to 1Cor 1. So what is the value of such people? According to what God says, they are the very temple of the Living God - and it is that aspect - and only that aspect - that gives such a human being true value. (1.5 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Get Real! - A Question of Perception
given Wales UK 23 July 2005
This Sermon points out that in trials there is a vital aspect we all must strive for: To get our perception of the problem in alignment with the way God views it. To recognise: The real world; The real enemy; The real creator; The real future (and how that influences the present); And the real problem. (11.5 Mb)


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by Andrew Spellman
Loving Each Other
given Peterborough Canada 16 July 2005
At times ordinary people do extraordinary things. This is also what each of us must do today. In a world of lawlessness, where love is prophesied to grow cold, we have to be sure that God's love is allowed to grow. Meeting together regularly is one vital ingredient that helps this to become a reality. (1.3 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
The Prayer Mentors
given Peterborough Canada 16 July 2005
This sermon takes several individuals found in scripture, and shows how these people can be our mentors in the area of prayer. Included are: King David; Elijah; Daniel; Jonah; Paul and Jesus Christ. Each mentor provides their own specific aspects that can be of use to us all in this vital subject. (8.1 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Will Satan be Destroyed?
given Bristol UK 9 July 2005
Some churches believe that as God is all powerful, Satan is destined to be utterly destroyed. They often base their teaching on Ezek 28:16. However, there is a vital reason why Satan will not be destroyed - though he is going to be banished and rendered utterly ineffective. This sermonette explains this, and gives the true meaning of the verse found in Ezek 28. (1.3 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The News Behind The News
given Bristol UK 9 July 2005
This sermon shows how the news being presented to us in the media, does not concentrate on the important items that allow us to see prophecy unfold, but rather on items that will give those providing it the greatest profit possible. For this reason, we have to dig deeper ourselves - in such areas as: Wars; Famines; Natural disasters; the Israelitish nations; Europe; The Middle East; The Far East; and Religion. View notes (11.5 Mb)


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Short Talk
by Jon Bowles
Details of Recent Trip
given Wales UK 2 July 2005
A brief synopsis of the recent trip made to Canada and the USA. (2.1 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Bricket Wood Message 74
given May 1974 in Bricket Wood - played Wales UK 2 July 2005
This Sermon was given shortly after some senior ministers left the Church in 1974 in England. Mr Armstrong deals with the vital role of God's Government and how a major part of our job today is to be sure we remain firmly beneath it. If we do, then - and only then - will we also qualify to administer that identical, loving Government in the coming Kingdom of God. (10.4 Mb)


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by Jonathan Pippy
Blessed Be Those That Mourn
Given Ohio USA 25 June 2005
This sermonette examines the Beatitudes - and the word blessed - in particular, what Christ says about those that mourn. Far from being a platitude, this statement is vital, as those who do indeed mourn correctly will indeed be comforted. (1.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Armstrong Worship?
Given Ohio USA 25 June 2005
"Armstrong worship" is a term often used against those attempting to return to The Way we were once taught. If it is indeed "worship" - then such people have real problems! The sermon shows how trying to return to The Way we were taught - far from "looking to a man" should actually be the exact opposite: It should be correctly recognising the True Source of The Word that has been revealed to God's people. (11.0 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

Given Peterborough Canada 18 June 2005
This news analysis examines the continuing disagreement over the British rebate in Europe - and how Britain will not be part of Europe at the time the final European power rises. It also examines how possible plans for construction of a temple in Jerusalem are being drawn up - using modern prefabrication techniques. Though it is unlikely that a physical temple will be completed, the direction it is moving certainly does fit with the fact that evening and morning sacrifices are going to start in that area. (2.6 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Love of a Father
Given Peterborough Canada 18 June 2005
This Sermon deals with one of the main attacks Satan is making at this present time - directly undermining fatherhood and the family in the process - by examining the way our Heavenly Father handles us in a perfect way. It examines: Consistency; Correction and Discipline; Communication; and Correct emotion. (10.4 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

Given in Wales UK 11 June 2005
This news analysis examines how the no vote within France and Holland is very much part of the "iron and clay" nature of Europe prophesied within Daniel 2; China's economic exposure; Drought in Spain and India; Clashes on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem; North Korea's nuclear arrogance; And how proposed religious protection legislation could be used to silence those who speak the Truth. (3.3 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
The Sabbath Question
given 23 Oct 1981 - played Wales UK 11 June 2005
This Sermon deals with how we should be keeping the Sabbath holy. It examines a number of aspects including: The need to assemble on the Sabbath; Proper dress for services; Is it OK to go to a restaurant on the Sabbath? Driving long distances on the Sabbath; Making the Sabbath a delight; The need to have a balanced approach. (10.4 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
And They Voted No
given in Wales UK 4 June 2005
This sermonette comments on the recent vote against the EU constitution in France and Holland. It quotes from some notes Mr Armstrong wrote in 1944 that explains how the current EU direction could well have come originally from German plans on losing World War II. But the system destined to arise within Europe has its roots much further back - back to the Holy Roman Empire. Could this current "no" vote be the critical issue to drive Europe toward this prophesied fulfillment? (2.8 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Modern Idolatry
given in Wales UK 4 June 2005.
This sermon examines how Sabbath breaking and idolatry were the two principle sins highlighted by God - that caused Israel to go into captivity. Idolatry is also a critical sin that is tied to the prophesied end-time captivity and the present age that gives rise to Laodicea. The sermon also covers: Our current attitude to idols; Food offered to idols in the New Testament; Idolatrous "containers"; Covetousness - which is idolatry; The idol of "self"; How the Sabbath points us Back on Track in this area. (9.5 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)