“Net Zero” will destroy you and everything you care about

UK - The concept of “global warming,” later changed to “climate change,” is used as an excuse for a wide range of controlling mechanisms. The world we know is about to come to an end but ninety-nine people in a hundred have no idea just how bad things are going to become. Without fossil fuels, we will be dragged back into the 19th century. Solar panels and wind turbines will not stop this from happening. The relatively small group of individuals behind the drive of the "NET ZERO" conspiracy were originally inspired by an erroneous belief that the global population had grown too large and needed to be reduced and controlled.

British farmers are being paid to leave crops rotting in the ground

UK - A British farmer has said that the government has offered a scheme to pay farmers not to supply food for three years. This scheme is part of a larger trend where farmers are being financially incentivised by the state to reduce food production. Why would they do that? A scheme to pay farmers for actions they take, going beyond regulatory requirements, to manage their land in an “environmentally sustainable” way was set out by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (“Defra”) in their Agricultural Transition Plan 2021 to 2024.

Climate change danger justifies biggest ever taxpayer investment

UK - The current danger from climate change justifies the biggest taxpayer investment in wind and solar farms in British history, the Government will say on Thursday. Sir Keir Starmer is to unveil the first investment by the £8.3 billion taxpayer-funded Great British Energy fund, which will back renewable energy projects to help meet the GOVERNMENT’S NET ZERO GOALS. The Prime Minister will say the Government is “rolling up our sleeves to deliver for Britain” as he announces a partnership with the Crown Estate to help develop the seabed for offshore wind power.

Polish MEP Gives Blistering Takedown of Ursula Von der Leyen

EUROPE - Ewa Zajaczkowska, a Polish Member of the European Parliament, gave a blistering takedown of EU president Ursula Von der Leyen and the leftist ideology destroying Europe. Addressing the European Parliament in Brussels, Zajaczkowska of the New Hope political party exposed the “sick, leftist ideology” that runs at the heart of the European Union. Here is a transcript of the speech:

Are Hungary and the EU heading for a break-up?

EUROPE - EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has stripped Hungary of the right to host the next meeting of foreign and defence ministers over its stance on the war in Ukraine. This comes after Hungary’s nationalist PM Viktor Orban met Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Orban is a harsh critic of the way the West has been executing support for Ukraine. Hungary also holds the six-month rotating presidency of the European Council. Hence Borrell’s move can be seen as more than merely symbolic. Hungary is now the most vocal of a cohort of ex-communist Central and Eastern European countries in the EU that refuse to go along with Western European norms on everything from migration to LGBT rights.

Enormous Homeless Encampments Way Back In The Woods

USA - If you are still able to afford a decent home, you should consider yourself to be incredibly blessed, because vast numbers of Americans do not have a permanent place to live at this point. Homelessness in the United States is at the highest level ever recorded, and it has been growing at the fastest pace ever recorded. The homeless encampments that have been popping up all over our major cities have been making lots of headlines in recent years, but many of the homeless live and die in very isolated places far from public view.

Civil Unrest Is The Next Most Predictable Crisis For America

USA - The bottom line is that no matter who ends up in the White House in 2025 there will be mass violence, but most of this violence will be reserved for the possibility of Donald Trump’s return. Set aside the recent attempted assassination for a moment and let’s consider the common leftist response to it – around 30% of Democrats believe the attack was “staged”. The rest are enraged that the shooter missed. No event has exposed the political left for what they truly are more than the near-murder of Donald Trump. We are dealing with bloodthirsty mental deficients that will do anything to win.

Democratic Party leaders keep subverting democracy

USA - Democratic Party leaders keep subverting democracy to help an incompetent Joe Biden. “Threat to democracy” has become an overused trope, similar to one claiming another is a racist when they don’t agree with one’s opinion. After the June 27 debate, it has become exceedingly clear that what the entire country has been witnessing for the past year is, in fact, not some “cheap fake” but true: President Joe Biden does not have the cognitive ability to run the country as its chief executive.

Joe Biden’s speech: Passing the torch is way to ‘unite our nation’

USA - President Biden told the United States that “the best way to unite the nation” was “to pass the torch to a new generation” in an Oval Office address that gave no further explanation for his decision not to seek a second term. Biden, speaking in hoarse monotone, said he believed his record, leadership and vision for the country “all merited a second term” but that he would not let his personal ambition stand in the way of “saving our democracy”. The 81-year-old president was making his first public statement since announcing on Sunday that he was ending his re-election campaign, the latest that a sitting president has done so. It followed intense pressure from his own party to make way after a dismal television debate performance four weeks ago raised concerns about his mental acuity and led to Donald Trump pulling further ahead in opinion polls.

China on brink of 'irrational' clash

CHINA - China has been vying for control over [the South China Sea] the large body of water for decades and repeatedly clashed with its neighbours to assert its sovereignty. Xi Jinping's government announced it had struck an agreement with Manila to end the naval and verbal clashes that have rocked their relationship for the past year. Experts, however, have warned the truce could be short-lived as another area of the disputed body of water has been tipped to become a major flashpoint in the ongoing maritime row. The disputed Sabina Shoal has emerged as a potential next target in China's hostile attempts to assert its power over the South China Sea.

China brokers Palestinian unity deal

MIDDLE EAST - Palestinian rivals including Hamas and Fatah agreed to form a unity government at talks hosted by China, Beijing said on Tuesday, a deal meant to deliver a post-war Gaza administration but was quickly rejected by Israel as it seeks to crush Hamas. Analysts said the agreement would prove hard to implement, with complications including the deep enmity between Palestinian factions and Western opposition to Hamas having any role in governance. No timetable was declared for implementation.

Shoplifting at record high as thieves ‘operate without fear’

UK - Shoplifting has reached its highest level since records began as thieves operate “without fear of apprehension”. The number of shoplifting offences recorded by police in England and Wales is up 30 per cent compared with last year, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported. The organisation also reported a 40 per cent rise in “thefts from the person”, such as snatch thefts and pick-pocketing. A government report this week claimed that Britain was growing increasingly tolerant of fraud and theft. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) document said that Britain’s “growing propensity to commit fraud” — fuelled by a society increasingly tolerant of dishonesty — is making it harder to control the cost of claimants ripping off the benefits system.

No new coins minted this year for first time

UK - The Treasury has placed no new orders for coins this year for the first time as it was revealed that more than a third of UK adults are living largely cashless lives. Ministers have decided not to ask the Royal Mint for any new coins, believing there are enough in circulation already, as the number of payments made by cash continued to fall. The Treasury decision will accelerate fears that the use of cash is dying out, amid warnings that lower-income households were more likely to be reliant on physical currency. A Treasury spokesman said it is not expected to order any new 1p or 2p coins in the coming years, as there are around 27 billion coins in circulation. It was reported that officials were considering scrapping the copper coins altogether, as part of a package of suggestions being prepared for ministers.

Netanyahu condemns Gaza war protesters as ‘Iran’s useful idiots’

USA - Binyamin Netanyahu has launched an attack on people protesting against the war in Gaza, calling them Iran’s “useful idiots” during an address to the US Congress. In his first visit to Washington since the attack on October 7 last year, when Hamas terrorists killed more than 1,200 people, the Israeli prime minister called for the United States to “stand together” with his nation and speed up military aid. Thousands of demonstrators marched towards the Capitol to protest against his visit, with some carrying signs branding Netanyahu a war criminal.

Not enough new wind and solar farms are being built

UK - There needs to be a rapid increase in the number of solar farms and wind turbines if Britain is to achieve its net zero goals. Britain is likely to miss a lofty new government target to fully decarbonise the electricity system by the end of the decade because the country is not on track to build enough new wind and solar farms, energy experts have warned.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)