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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Feast Preparation
given in Wales 4th October 2003
This Bible Study is given as a reminder of what must be in our minds as we prepare for the soon coming Feast of Tabernacles. Three points are covered: The importance of prayer; Collectively reflecting God and His Way; Rejoicing in the meaning of the Feast. (3.7 Mb)

2003-09-27 (Trumpets)

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by Ian Henderson
The Meaning of Trumpets
given Bristol UK Trumpets 27th Sept 2003
This sermon deals with the meaning of the day of Trumpets. It shows how monumental must be the destruction of the present world - to prepare for the Kingdom of God. (10.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Our Immediate Future
given Johannesburg S.Africa 13th Sept 2003
This Sermon asks what our Immediate Future is prophetically - as far as the Church of God is concerned. Five points are covered: Old Testament examples; New Testament examples; Our own journey to this point; What we know of immediate prophecy; So what must we do now? (10.0 Mb)
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by Jaco Pieterse
Listen to Instruction
given Johannesburg S.Africa 13th Sept 2003
This sermonette uses principles learned when training to fly a plane that can be applied to our present lives within the Church. God expects us to listen to his instruction - to watch and be alert - as there seems to be a problem with sleeping at the end time - the antithesis of alertness. (1.6 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Zerubbabel's Temple
given 21 July 1978 - played Wales UK 30th Aug 2003
This Bible Study begins by Mr Armstrong recording a video clip to be used in the Feast Opening Night film. A little of this is missing on this particular recording. He then goes over the scriptures that deal with Zerubbabel's temple and shows how much of this material was actually talking directly to us in 1978 as Mr Armstrong was led to put the Church "back on Track". Such scriptures also talk of the same tasks that we today - in the 21st century - should be concerned with as we are - once again - led individually "back on Track." (View Transcript) (9.8 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
What Is Christ Doing
given 24 April 1982 - played Wales UK 16th Aug 2003
This Sermon deals with how Christ precedes us into the Kingdom of God - as our High Priest. It is one of the "Back on Track" sermons given by Mr Armstrong and covers the requirement of all of us to live "The Way" of God if we are also to rule with Christ in the future. The beginning of Hebrews and Romans 8 are covered in some detail. At the end of the sermon, Mr Armstrong brings out that being "on Track" implies we keep moving, driving ourselves, as the Track is something on which we travel. (10.5 Mb)
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Short Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
given Wales UK 16th Aug 2003
This introduction to the sermon today briefly examines the life of Zerubbabel - the type of one mentioned in Haggai who was to prepare the Spiritual Temple just prior to Christ's return. Four points are covered: How his heritage goes back to David; How he restored the daily sacrifice and almost 2 years later laid the foundations; How he was hindered for 17 years by the Samaritans; How that after the Temple was built in just 4 years there is no mention of him at the dedication or afterwards - even though "his hands shall also finish it" (Zech 4:9). (3.4 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Everything Must Change
given Bristol UK 9th Aug 2003
This Sermon deals with the scale of change required by God - down to each thought being brought into subjection to God's Government - which is God's "Way". Five points are covered: Change within the natural world in the World Tomorrow; The Way of God and His Character; The difference between "fruits" and "gifts"; "a more excellent Way"; The world is waiting for us to change. (8.1 Mb)
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Extended Sermonette
by Ian Henderson
Going in the Right Direction
given Bristol UK 9th Aug 2003
Just as we can become lost by going in the wrong direction down a path, so we can become lost in life by going back to the world, rather than towards God's Kingdom. This was seen by many of God's servants, sometimes thousands of years into the future: Moses, Paul, Peter, and Mr Armstrong are highlighted. (2.8 Mb)


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Extended Sermonette
by Jon Bowles
Why The Righteous Sometimes Suffer
given Wales UK 2nd Aug 2003
This extended sermonette was sparked by the pastors comments from Mr Don Billingsley about a bad car accident. Four points are covered: God's view is different; The main thing God wants us to learn; time and chance; our only course of action. (3.7 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
The Sabbath Question
given 23 Oct 1981 - played Wales UK 26th July 2003
This Sermon deals with how we should be keeping the Sabbath holy. It examines a number of aspects including: The need to assemble on the Sabbath; Proper dress for services; Is it OK to go to a restaurant on the Sabbath? Driving long distances on the Sabbath; Making the Sabbath a delight; The need to have a balanced approach. (10.4 Mb)
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Extended Sermonette
by Jon Bowles
Are Prayers Of The Unconverted Answered?
given Wales UK 26th July 2003
This extended sermonette covers a question that came in on the subject and deals with three points: Examples where prayers of the unconverted were answered in scripture; How faith seems to play a part; The incredible difference in how God deals with us - as his children. (3.8 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Our Spiritual Heritage
given Oswestry UK 19th July 2003
This Bible Study examines the spiritual heritage left to us from Mr Armstrong. Six points are covered: Why we are called now; What the spiritual heritage is, and what it is for; The two trees; An administration of the spirit and not the letter; How the letter relates to the heritage; How the administration details relate to the heritage. (11.5 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
The Value of Human Life
given Oct 1983 - played Wales UK 12th July 2003
This Sermon examines both the way the human frame is worth less than people in the world imagine, yet at the same time illustrates how it's potential is infinitely more valuable than they imagine. Towards the end of the tape Mr Armstrong deals with the subject of abortion and also at what moment the spirit in man enters into a human being. (9.4 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
God's Financial Perspective
given Bristol UK 5th July 2003
This sermon examines our spiritual relationship to financial matters from God's perspective - and tries to show how Mr Armstrong used this perspective in the rulings he made for the Church in this area. Six points are covered: God's overall financial perspective; Debt and the sabbatical year; Inheritance and the jubilee; God's Work and tithing; God's planning and 2nd tithe; Loving our neighbour and 3rd tithe. (9.3 Mb)
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Extended Sermonette
by Chris Hancock
given Bristol UK 5th July 2003
This sermonette examines the way in which we should handle our money. Seven points are given: Put God first; Know where our money goes; Apply the percentage principle of 2nd tithe; Maximise your income; Don't waste money; Save and plan ahead; Only then look to God for miracles. (3.5 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Philadelphian Leadership
given Wales UK 28th June 2003
This bible study examines the type of leadership implied within the reward of being pillars - linked to the Philadelphia Era. Six points are covered: Brotherly Love; Personal Development; Dealing with others now; Being patient now; Being faithful in small things now; Our future roles. (10.7 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Human Conversion
given Modesto California 21st June 2003
This sermon examines the enormous gulf between God and mankind, and shows a picture that God gives us to illustrate how this gulf will ultimately be bridged. Six points are covered: The time comparison; The largeness comparison; The smallness comparison; The power comparison; An impossible contrast; A picture given to us to show how - with God - all things are possible. (9.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Prophetic Urgency
given Modesto California 21st June 2003
This sermonette examines a number of prophecies that indicate the collapse of the US, UK and English speaking peoples will happen very suddenly. It then examines the potential for nuclear terrorism, and shows how this new phenomenon could well become the fulfilment of such prophecies. (2.2 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
The End Time Apostle
given Wales UK 14th June 2003
This bible study examines evidence that Mr Armstrong was the prophesied end-time apostle. It covers: The end-time prophecies that one would come; Is this the end-time; The end-time Church in prophecy; Two alternative conclusions and their implications; Why the evidence points clearly to Mr Armstrong. (11.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Introduction to bible study The End Time Apostle
given Wales UK 14th June 2003
This introduction reviews the first 8 chapters of a booklet currently in preparation, the last chapter (chapter 9) being "The End Time Apostle" and dealt with in detail within the main bible-study. The preceding 8 chapters reviewed are: An Apostle is one Sent; Apostles of the Early Church; Laying Foundations; Removing Blindness - for the first time; Unity - Through Grace; The Apostle to Corinth; When an apostle dies; Our Spiritual Heritage. (3.3 Mb)

2003-06-08 (Pentecost)

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by Jon Bowles
The Anointing Oil
given Bristol UK Pentecost 8th June 2003
This sermon shows how the subject of anointing pictures the anointing by the Holy Spirit of the future King-priests - teachers for the future. Six points are covered: Anointing of Priests; Anointing of Kings; Anointing of Christ; Two Witnesses (or anointed ones); Anointing of End-Time Church; Where our anointing must come from - daily. (9.3 Mb)
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by Andrew Munro
God Is All Powerful
given Bristol UK Pentecost 8th June 2003
This sermonette examines a recent request for the Church to pray for our African brethren - and shows how we can have absolute faith in the power of God to solve each of the areas mentioned. (1.8 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Why the Firstfruits?
given 26 May 1985 - played Bristol UK Pentecost 8th June 2003
This was the last sermon given by Mr Armstrong on the Day of Pentecost. He sounds exasperated at times, insisting that many there - including ministers - simply were not "getting it". Sermons were being given that indicated the minister believed that we are called now purely because God loves us and wants us to be in the kingdom - for personal salvation. But Mr Armstrong emphasises, we are called now to be teachers - prepared for the World Tomorrow. If it were not for this vital role ahead of us, there would be no reason to call us separately as the firstfruits. (9.7 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
given Bristol UK Pentecost 8th June 2003
This sermonette points out 3 parallel points mentioned within Deut 16:16-17 where an offering is commanded, and within the section that immediately precedes it dealing specifically with Pentecost. (1.7 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)