2003-04-23 (ULB Last Day)

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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Beginning of James and UB
given Pasadena UB 1981, Played Bristol UK 23rd April 2003
This Sermon shows how we only have temporary life today, but are offered Real Life by God. The "process" of sin - following temptation - is covered, as is "the Law of liberty" - into that real life. (9.3 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Jon Bowles
Psalm 119 (He) - Teach Me Eternal God
given Bristol UK 23rd April 2003
 (0.4 Mb)
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Offering Sermonette
by Ian Henderson
Links between "give" and "FORgive"
given Bristol UK 23rd April 2003
This sermonette shows how giving to God is inexorably linked with FORgiving others, as this is part of the very character of God Himself. (1.4 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Temptations of Christ
given Wales 19th April 2003
This Sermon shows how the Temptations of Christ was indeed a titanic battle. Seven points are covered: This is also our battle; Man does not live by bread alone; You shall not tempt God - as in Massah; God sets up present rulers; God will set up future rulers; Our job is to qualify. (9.6 Mb)
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by Mr Andrew Munro
Are God's Standards Low?
given Wales UK 19th April 2003
This sermonette quotes an interview of Desmond Tutu which states that God's standards are quite low. The sermonette then shows how truth and error are mixed within the article, but God's standards are certainly not low. (1.5 Mb)

2003-04-17 (ULB First Day)

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by Jon Bowles
Unleavened Bread and Manna
given Wales 17th April 2003
This Sermon shows how manna and Unleavened bread are linked symbolically, as eating manna symbolizes living by every word of God (Deut 8:3) and eating Unleavened Bread symbolizes having the Word of God in our mouth (Ex 13:7-9). Six points are covered: Eating UB every day?; Manna in the Old Testament; Psalm 119; John 6; Unleavened Bread and Pharaoh; Manna and Satan. (9.3 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
Spiritual Stock Taking
given Wales UK 17th April 2003
This sermonette deals with the subject of Spiritual Stock Taking during this Unleavened Bread Season. (1.5 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Rely On God
given Pasadena UB 1985, Played Wales UK 17th April 2003
This Sermon examines the history of why the Church of God keeps these days. It shows how we must continually grow out of sin by putting on God's righteousness. (9.4 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Jon Bowles
Psalm 105 (Nun) - Your Word Remains a Lamp Unto My Feet
sung Wales UK 17th April 2003
 (0.3 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Audio of Passover Ceremony
given 15 April 2003
The full Passover service is provided, following the ceremony laid down by Mr Armstrong before his death. In the ceremony, the bread is correctly "discerned" (or separated as in the Greek) for our healing as mentioned within 1Cor 11:29. There are a number of beep tones throughout the Passover service indicating when to halt the audio: (5.4 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Passover Examination
given 4th March 1982 (played Wales UK 12th April 2003
Mr Armstrong gave this sermon during the time he was putting the Church back on Track, and it encourages us all to correctly examine ourselves prior to Passover. He talks about the bread for our healing, and the wine for forgiveness of spiritual sin, and then goes on to show how the area we all need to examine prior to taking the Passover, is our level of true repentance. He points out that even some evangelists had not at that time truly repented - but merely accepted the truth as part of their own righteousness. (View Transcript) (10.9 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Discerning The Stages of Passover
given Oswestry UK 5th April 2003
This bible study examines the sequential stages of keeping the Passover properly. It deals with: Examining ourselves, Foot Washing, Bread, Wine, The Readings from John, and The Hymn.
How John 6 fits into the Passover and why two verses were included by Mr Armstrong in the ceremony are also examined. (10.2 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
James 5
given Wales UK 29th March 2003
This bible study examines the final chapter in James: It covers: 1. The context of the chapter, 2. Riches and greed, 3. Patience and fruit, 4. The prayer of faith, 5. The encouraging example of Elijah. (10.1 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Why Christ Had to Die
given Bristol UK 22nd March 2003
This sermon asks the question "Why did Christ have to die? Why could God not have worked things out a different way?" 7 points are covered: 1. Why are we human? 2. What does God want us to experience? 3. Man and his destiny, 4. Satan and his way, 5. Chaos in pre-history, 6. Chaos in prophecy, 7. Our part - Why God had to have Christ die - not another way. (10.4 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Ten Passovers in Scripture
given Bristol UK 22nd March 2003
Ten instances are recorded in scripture where the Passover is mentioned. Each is taken in turn in this sermonette, and we are thereby encouraged into further private bible-study. (2.5 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
James 3:11-4:17
given Wales UK 15th March 2003
This bible study examines the last section of chapter 3 and chapter 4 of the book of James. It covers: 1. Recap from last time, 2. Two sources of "wisdom" 3. Cause of War, 4. The solution we must apply. (9.8 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
James 2:14-3:10
given Plymouth UK 8th March 2003
This bible study examines the last section of chapter 2 and the first half of chapter 3 of the book of James. It covers: 1. Recap from last time, 2. Can faith save? 3. What type of works? 4. Our words and where they must come from. (10.4 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
James Chapter 2:1-13
given Wales UK 1st March 2003
This bible study examines the first section of chapter 2 of the book of James. It recaps briefly to again show the central theme of the book. Four areas are then covered: 1. Faith in Christ, 2. Faith of Christ, 3. How we cannot hold the Faith of Christ with respect of persons, 4. Three groups of church members being addressed within the book of James. (8.9 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Physical Repentance
given Bristol UK 22nd February 2003
This sermon is part of a series of sermons leading to correctly keeping Passover in 7 weeks time. It examines the need for a repentant approach before taking the bread of Passover, recognising why Christ had to be beaten to pay our personal physical penalties for being "off Track" in areas of health. Five areas are covered: 1. Repentance is a state of mind, 2. God's Word can not be broken, 3. Majoring in the minors - or just part of "The Way"? 4. Biblical physical sin, 5. Non-biblical physical sin. (11.0 Mb)
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by Chris Hancock
Born Again and the Butterfly
given Bristol UK 22nd February 2003
Pentecostals look upon "born again" as merely an emotional experience within a church building. The Bible indicates a process nearer to the total metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. (1.2 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
James Chapter 1
given Wales UK 15th February 2003
This bible study examines chapter 1 of the book of James. It shows a central theme to the entire book which starts within chapter 1. Five areas are covered within the chapter: 1. Purpose of different trials, 2. Wisdom needed from God to see value within a trial, 3. Different people need different things, 4. What God says (even in trials) is never evil, 5. Listen whenever God talks - even through trials. (11.0 Mb)
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Short Sermon
by Mr Armstrong
on Holy Spirit Nov 1981
played Wales UK 15th February 2003
Mr Armstrong gave this sermon as part of the process of getting the Church back on Track in the early 80s. He stresses the vast difference between the natural and Spirit led mind. Without a mind that is Spirit led we will not make it and unless that new mind continually grows through prayer throughout life, our Spirit Life will miscarry. (4.2 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Introduction to Book of James
given Oswestry UK 8th February 2003
This begins a series of pre-passover bible studies which will examine the book of James as well as healing, discerning the body of Christ and other pre-passover topics. Five points are covered in the Introduction: 1. Who wrote the book? 2. Why confusion over the author? 3. Who was it written to and from where? 4. When was it written? 5. Overview - why it was written. (7.5 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
New Testament Ministry Ministry Part 2
given Wales UK 1st February 2003
This is the second part to the sermon given the previous week. 5 points are covered: 1. Recap of previous week, 2. Ministers of New Covenant, 3. Timothy was faithful, 4. Hebrews & Diaspora, 5. Future King Priests. (9.8 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Servants of God's Temple Ministry Part 1
given Bristol UK 25th January 2003
The two part series is laid out in this sermon, but only the first part is covered: 1. God's servants before the Levitical Priesthood, and 2. The Levitical Priesthood. (8.8 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)