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by Jon Bowles
Frozen Armstrong?
given Modesto CA USA 11th January 2003
This sermon examines the term "Frozen Armstrong" as both a negative and positive statement. Five points are covered: 1. "Follow me as I follow Christ", 2. "Grow in Grace and Knowledge", 3. What is Grace? 4. How is Grace given to us? 5. Based on the above - how must we correctly "grow in grace and knowledge" today? (10.4 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
End Time Deception?
given Wales UK 4th January 2003
This bible study examines End Time Deceptions expected just ahead of us. Six points are covered: 1. Satan's previous deceptions, 2. Are the False Prophet and Mark of the Beast the main deceptions? 3. Can the elect be deceived? 4. Did Mr Armstrong describe himself as Elijah? 5. What is the spirit and power of Elijah? 6. How do we avoid deception? (9.9 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Xmas and Birthdays
given Bristol UK 21st December 2002
This sermon examines both Birthdays and Xmas, and shows how both have their roots in the observing of times within ancient paganism. Eight points are covered: 1. The three aspects of paganism, 2. The Hebrew record of time, 3. The pagan Genius and Juno of Rome, 4. Present and pagan numerology, 5. Why "happy birthday?", 6. Present oriental belief, 7. Mr Armstrong and Church teachings, 8. Xmas as a form of observing times. (11.2 Mb)
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by Andrew Munro
Xmas versus God's Kingdom
given Bristol UK 21st December 2002
This sermonette examines several areas of the Xmas celebrations and shows how what the world seeks will only become a reality within God's coming Kingdom. (1.3 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Parable of the Sower
given Wales UK 14th December 2002
The parable of the sower has much to say to the Church at the end time. As Christ explains in Mark 4:13, "if you do not understand this parable, how are you going to understand all parables?" This bible study examines the background factors involved, and then shows how the main part of the message is addressed specifically to the Church within the last two catagories: first a warning to all of us today shown by the seed sown among thorns, and then encouragement in the seed sown on good ground - who "bring forth fruit with patience" (Luke 8:15). (10.0 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Dealing with the World
given Oswestry UK 7th December 2002
In the present lead up to Xmas, the differences between those in the Church and those in the world tend to become even more pronounced. But if we are not careful, the very attitude that the world has in accepting practices that are evil, can equally be expressed by ourselves in condemning that evil. This bible-study examines the loving way we are instructed by God to behave towards those within the world - while remaining firmly separate from the world. The bible study ties in closely with a "Heart to Heart" that Mr Armstrong wrote in the December 1961 Good News. (Note: There is a buzzing on the audio file that could not be totally removed - our apologies) (10.3 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Revelation 12
given 18th April 1981 - Night To Be Observed, Played in Wales 30th Nov 2002
This sermon was the first message Mr Armstrong gave to the Church after he had returned from Tucson to again live full time in Pasadena in 1981. In this message, he shows the condition of the True Church through the ages in relation to Satan as found within Revelation 12 and other prophecies. He also voices his own firm belief that Satan had just been cast down to the earth - and it was this unseen event that gave rise to the receivership takeover in the late 70's. The use of the state by Satan to persecute the True Church is shown to be something that has continued throughout history. It is clear that with Satan cast down, we should not be surprised if such persecution happens in our time. (10.7 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Thinking Upon God's Name
given Bristol 23rd Nov 2002
Mal 3:16 talks of a group of people who feared The Eternal and that "thought upon his name". But what does it mean to "Think upon God's name?". This sermon shows how thinking upon God's name is a vital tool for us all as we approach the end time. Six points are covered within the sermon: 1. What name is it talking about? 2. The Creator's name. 3. The name revealed to Moses at the Exodus. 4. How this name will apply at the end time. 5. How Israel failed in relation to this name 6. Implications of this name on us today. (9.0 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Warning to the Church
given 1978 - played in Wales 16th Nov 2002
This sermon was given after Mr Armstrong had recovered from total heart failure. He returned from Tucson to "set the Church back on Track". Mr Armstrong warns that the Church was in mortal danger of falling into a Laodicean attitude and calls for fasting and heartfelt prayer. He tells all of us to wake up, and put some life back into the Church and speaks directly to many ministers sitting in the audience at Pasadena who he said disagreed with him and were instead promoting their own false ideas - particularly intellectualism. The parallels with the state of the Church today is spine-chilling. (10.5 Mb)
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Short Talk
by Jon Bowles
Similarities between late 70's and Today
given Wales 16th Nov 2002
Before playing the tape below by Mr Armstrong, this short introduction shows four of several parallels between the Church of the 70's and the corporate Churches of God today. The points covered are: 1. Meat in Due Season, 2. Intellectualism, 3. Not Recognising Mr Armstrong's Role 4. Each minister going their own "way". That period of time, almost seems to have been given to us as a foretaste of what was to come. It is hoped that this summary will help those who were too young to remember the 70's clearly, as well as being a reminder to those of us around at the time. Our job today is clearly to also put ourselves "back on Track", by using the lessons learned from the 70's when God through Mr Armstrong showed us in practical terms, how to get "back on Track" (4.4 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Discerning Repentance
given Oswestry UK 9th November 2002
Jude tells us to make a difference (or distinction) between certain people who sin (Jude 1:22). A major key in doing so, is to understand how to correctly discern repentance. This bible-study examines the subject from scripture, and also tries to illustrate the Godly administration required by referring back to material from Mr Armstrong on the subject: Five points are dealt with: 1. Overall context, 2. Discerning rotten apples, 3. Discerning those who need help, 4. Repentance is not simply at baptism, 5. Repentance is of the heart and mind (and therefore largely unseen by man). This bible study expands an aspect highlighted in a previous bible-study: "overcoming Satan using the blood of the Lamb" (Rev 12:11). This aspect appears to be prophetically significant prior to the Church having to flee. (10.0 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
1Cor 3 & 4
given 4th August 1980 Played in Wales 2nd November 2002
Mr Armstrong talks about many things within this bible-study as he explains Paul's words found in 1Cor 3 and 4. He contrasts the punishment of this world against the loving correction of God, showing how God's correction is designed to bring about change, whereas the world's punishment is to "get even". He also talks of authority within the Church, and how it is necessary to protect the Church from those who would destroy it by separating from those who refuse to walk the way God lays before them. (10.5 Mb)
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Short Talk
by Jon Bowles
Current Situation in Modesto
given Wales UK 2 Nov 2002
This talk tries to cut through the sea of detail, claim and counterclaim in the present confusion to help answer the only question God's people should need to ask in such a situation - "where is God's Government"? (3.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Place of Safety Philadelphia Part 4
given Bristol UK 26th October 2002
The sermon is the final one in a series on Philadelphia, and examines the evidence within scripture of a place of safety (or place of final training). Five points are covered: 1. Why a place of safety? 2. Other examples of protection 3. Why Petra? 4. How is The Church to get there? 5. How does The Church know when to flee? (9.7 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Fig Tree
given Bristol UK 26th October 2002
This sermonette describes the growing cycle of the fig tree, and explains how those Christ talked to would have had greater understanding than us when he cursed the fig-tree to illustrate a point, and when he said we must learn the parable of the fig tree in order to understand the sequence of end time events. (1.5 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Overcoming Satan Philadelphia Part 3
given Wales 19th October 2002
The bible study is part of a series on Philadelphia, and examines how Philadelphia exists when Satan comes down having great wrath, and will direct that wrath against the Church. It examines the different names of this serpent of old, the Devil and Satan, found within the names used, and shows how a large part of the end time deception comes through his actions as the Devil (or slanderer) against the Church. Scripture plainly tells us how to overcome this - through the blood of the lamb - and apply it to both our own sins, and also the forgiveness of others within the Church. This is part of what makes God's people part of Philadelphia (the era of brotherly love). (10.3 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Philadelphia Part 2
given Wales 12th October 2002
The bible study is part of a series on Philadelphia, and examines the remaining points brought out within Rev 3 that indicates some of the main things we are to "hold fast" to as per Rev 3:11 that no man (including ourselves) takes our crown. This second part examines 3. They have kept my word, 4. They have not denied my name, 5 they have been loved by God, 6. They have kept the word of my patience. (8.7 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Philadelphia Part 1
given Wales 5th October 2002
The bible study is the first part of a series on Philadelphia, and begins to examine the points brought out within Rev 3 that indicates some of the main things we are to "hold fast" to as per Rev 3:11 that no man (including ourselves) takes our crown. This first part concentrates on: 1. What Philadelphia has - must come from somewhere. 2. They have a little strength, or very little strength, that implies a constant reliance on God's strength for everything. (9.5 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
given Sheffield UK 24 August 2002
The bible study examines the difficult job parents and grandparents have in today's society, particularly in the area of getting children to listen. Six points are covered: 1. The purpose of child-rearing is to let them go, 2. Parents are also growing up, 3. Sacrifice is required, 4. If we don't train our children, Satan will 5. Example speaks louder than words, 6. Teaching (with discipline where required) is vital. (9.2 Mb)
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Short explanation
by Jon Bowles
Molad, Ephod, Urim and Thummim
given Sheffield UK 24 August 2002
A question had come in about terms used in a previous sermon. An explanation is given for the terms: Molad, Ephod, Urim and Thummim. (1.5 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Christ and the Sabbath
given Bristol UK 10 August 2002
The Sermon examines the teaching Christ gave us regarding the Sabbath. Four areas are covered: 1. Before His human birth, 2. His overall approach to the Sabbath when here as a human, 3. Specific examples He gave us on the Sabbath, 4. Teaching on the subject given after His resurrection. (8.3 Mb)


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by Ian Henderson
given Bristol UK 15th June 2002
This sermon draws our attention back to September 11th and the way the world changed in its outlook of the future. It then shows how scripture gives us clear guidelines on how to avoid and overcome fear - an essential subject in these end times. (1.1 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
What is an Apostle?
given Modesto California 13th April 2002
The sermon points out that "one sent" (the meaning of the Greek word "apostle") carries with it many vital things: Such a person was sent by God, not man (Gal 1:1), and sent for a specific reason - to lay foundations within the Church of God (Eph 2:20). Such foundations imply illumination to the Truth for the first time (Rom 15:20) and must remain after an apostle's death (2Pet 1:15), as they were actually laid by Christ through him - not by the man himself (1Cor 3:10-11, 4:16). (7.9 Mb)


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by Bob Devine
Audio of Passover Ceremony
given 18 April 2000
The full Passover service is provided above, following the ceremony laid down by Mr Armstrong before his death. In the ceremony, the bread is correctly "discerned" (or separated as in the Greek) for our healing as mentioned within 1Cor 11:29. There are a number of beep tones throughout the Passover service indicating when to halt the audio: 1. Before foot-washing, 2. Before breaking the bread, 3. Before serving the wine. All prayers and the closing song are also included. A page of notes is also available that can accompany the above tape. This was produced by Mr Armstrong in 1956 and describes how to keep the Passover in your own home: View article (5.9 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)