EUROPE - Donald Trump has been warned the US has "everything to lose" in a trade war with the European Union by France's top diplomat. French foreign minister Jean-Noël Barrot warned thousands of US firms in Europe would be among the "first victims" should Mr Trump impose tariffs on the bloc. He told France's Sud Radio that Brussels would retaliate if the US president were to make such a move. Mr Barrot warned: "The US has everything to lose from entering into a trade war with the European Union." Mr Barrot added: "We are their main trade partner. If it’s true that Americans buy more European products than the opposite, well Americans invest more in Europe than we invest in the US. Why is that? It is because in Europe there are tens of thousands of American businesses manufacturing on our soil."
Be Aware!
Back in 1963, the world was warned in the Plain Truth magazine about upcoming trade wars between the USA and Europe. The warning also included a predicted NAZI government in Germany.
Right now, the threat of trade wars seems closer than ever, while the hard right (AfD) party is already the second largest group in the German parliament. Elections in February could well be a major turning point in Germany! Support for the AfD appears to be increasing daily!
The Warning!
“So long as present German prosperity continues… the Nazi takeover will not be possible! But — should any severe THREAT to that hard-won prosperity come — the picture will change — and change VIOLENTLY, in Germany! Remember! It was the afterwash of the disastrous stock market crashes of 1924 and 1929 that fanned the flames of violence in Germany to pave the way for Hitler!
And your Bible predicts A GREAT TRADE WAR BETWEEN THE BURGEONING ECONOMIC POWER IN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES. It predicts terrible financial COLLAPSE for this country [USA]! Make no mistake! Germany, and all Europe, would not escape unscathed in a hot trade war between the Common Market and the United States. Terrible economic disasters would result! AND THE RESULT FROM SUCH DISASTERS? A NEW NAZI GERMANY!
You need to be WATCHING — and keeping your eyes on developments in EUROPE — as never before! You, at least, have been WARNED!” (The Plain Truth, December 1963)
Following this warning came an even more ominous warning a year later! Back in 1964, Germany was still divided into two different nations, separated by the Berlin wall. This warning went out some 25 years before the Wall came down in November 1989, and Germany was reunited in October 1990!
United States And Great Britain Destroyed By Europe
“Germany — a UNITED GERMANY WITH HER FORMER TERRITORIES RESTORED — is ready to emerge as the strongest nation on earth at the head of a revitalized and resurgent Europe! This power colossus is then going to deal a death blow to the United States and Britain...” (The Plain Truth, October 1964)