Pope Francis Stacked the College of Cardinals

VATICAN - Twelve years after being elected Pontiff in 2013, Pope Francis remains very controversial, with his leftist ideas alienating the conservatives both inside the Church and in the wider field of Catholic faithful. He is regarded as having packed the College of Cardinals with men with his own political pedigree to ensure that the next head of the Church would be a leftist like him. Out of 138 Cardinals eligible to vote for the next Pope – under the age of 80 – no less than 110 were appointed by Pope Francis – about 80 percent.

Our comment

This will be a very interesting situation to watch. The conservative part of the Catholic Church still has a lot of influence - the present situation could still lead to a more right wing pope - or even a major split within the church.

Interesting that a new leader of the Catholic Church could take over right at the time when Germany is about to get a new government that looks like "leaning more to the right"!

Politics and religion - All change in Europe!

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