EUROPE - A number of the bloc’s leaders have pushed for a common European force free from US control in recent years. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has called for an alternative to NATO, arguing that Europe must take greater responsibility for its own security. Her remarks come amid growing US demands for increased defense spending among members of the US-led military bloc, uncertainty over future support for Ukraine, and fears of a potential shift in Washington’s commitment to European security. “NATO remains the foundation of our defense. But it is evident that we need a pan-European defense,” von der Leyen said in a press briefing in Lithuania on Sunday. “Modern warfare requires a scale, technology, and coordination too big for any one nation to handle alone,” she added, asking for more funding, “both public and private.” The strategy for the future of European defense will be presented to EU leaders by mid-March, she said.
A United Europe!
We were warned what to watch for!
Note the phrases:
“...a common European force free from US control.”
and “...and fears of a potential shift in Washington’s commitment to European security.”
Are we seeing the foundations for the end time European army - consisting of 10 nations or group of nations?
Over 40 years ago, in 1982, Mr Armstrong warned that fear of Russia and a loss of confidence in the USA would cause Europe to unite. As the article points out, this is what is happening right now!
“Now one of the great things that is urging Europe on, and perhaps the greatest thing that WILL CAUSE THEM TO HURRY AND GET TOGETHER on this, IS THEIR FEAR of what’s going on in the Kremlin and the Soviet Union [Russia]. And Andropov [now Putin] is frightening them, and that is going to rush them.
THEY ARE LOSING CONFIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES as having a military umbrella over them to protect them, AND THEY WANT THEIR OWN MILITARY FORCE TO PROTECT THEMSELVES.” (Sermon Transcript - United States Of Europe Is Coming, 27 November, 1982)