Criminal’s deportation halted over son’s distaste for chicken nuggets

UK - An Albanian criminal was allowed to stay in Britain partly because his son will not eat foreign chicken nuggets, The Telegraph can reveal. An immigration tribunal ruled that it would be “unduly harsh” for the 10-year-old boy to be forced to move to Albania with his father owing to his sensitivity around food. The sole example provided to the court was his distaste for the “type of chicken nuggets that are available abroad”. As a result, the judge allowed the father’s appeal against deportation as a breach of his right to a family life under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), citing the impact his removal might have on his son. The case, revealed in court documents, is among a record 34,169 outstanding asylum appeals. The number represents a five-fold increase in two years from the 6,386 appeals outstanding at the same point in 2022.

Commenting on the chicken nuggets case, Robert Jenrick, the shadow justice secretary, said it was “mind-boggling” that food was being used as an argument to prevent deportation. “It’s ludicrous that a judge would entertain it. Cases like this make us a laughing stock. It’s an insult to the British public that our immigration laws are being abused in such an outrageous way,” he said.

Our comment

You really couldn't make this up! Do we need proof that "...Ephraim also is like a silly dove without heart" (Hosea 7:11)? According to the European Convention on Human Rights, Britain cannot deport an illegal immigrant - with a criminal record - because his son doesn’t like the chicken nuggets back home in Albania. As the article points out, “It’s an insult to the British public that our immigration laws are being abused in such an outrageous way.”

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