Buddhas to obtain permission before they reincarnate
The Times - 05/08/2007

Tibet's living Buddhas have been banned from reincarnation without permission from China's atheist leaders.

IRAQ -Back to the Stone Age?
AP - 05/08/2007

Iraq's electricity grid could collapse any day because of insurgent sabotage, rising demand, fuel shortages and provincial officials who are unplugging local power stations from the national system, electricity officials said on Saturday.

The rise of the 'childfree'
BBC - 05/08/2007

Birth rates in the European Union are falling fast.

Tensions high for Lebanon polls
BBC - 05/08/2007

Lebanon is tense as voting gets under way in two by-elections to choose replacements for murdered MPs from the ruling anti-Syrian coalition.

Foot-and-mouth strain identified
BBC - 05/08/2007

The strain in infected cattle is identical to that used at the Institute for Animal Health, at Pirbright, about three miles from the farm.

Brown: Quick Action on Foot-And-Mouth
AP - 05/08/2007

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Saturday that authorities were doing "everything in our power" to track the source of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak and wipe out the animal illness before it wreaked economic devastation.

Bee decline threatens our dinner and the countryside
telegraph.co.uk By Jimmy Lee Shreeve - 04/08/2007

Bees are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. This could not only have a devastating impact on our food supplies, but could also turn our brightly-coloured meadows into grey hinterlands.

Bear Stearns triggers Dow crash
telegraph.co.uk By David Litterick - 04/08/2007

Investment bank Bear Stearns precipitated one of the worst market slumps of the year yesterday after admitting that the US credit markets were the worst it had seen in more than two decades.

First Armed Robots on Patrol in Iraq
wired.com/defense/ - 04/08/2007

Robots have been roaming the streets of Iraq, since shortly after the war began. Now, for the first time -- the first time in any warzone -- the machines are carrying guns.

Brown returns from holiday over foot and mouth
reuters.com - 04/08/2007

Prime Minister Gordon Brown returned from holiday to chair an emergency meeting on Saturday about the outbreak of foot and mouth disease on a British farm.

Polish gays 'flee to UK' as persecution grows at home
news.scotsman.com - 04/08/2007

POLISH gay rights groups say thousands of homosexuals have fled the country to the UK to escape increasing persecution.

Faults in collapsed bridge 'found in 1990'
news.scotsman.com - 04/08/2007

A BRIDGE that collapsed in the United States, killing at least five people, was deemed "structurally deficient" as long ago as 1990, it emerged yesterday.

CAIR director attended Hamas meeting
WorldNetDaily.com - 04/08/2007

After denial, evidence on Nihad Awad surfaces in terror-funding trial

Chinese officials admit to graft
BBC - 04/08/2007

Almost 1,800 officials confessed to corruption in June, a Chinese Communist Party watchdog has announced.

Costly memories of foot-and-mouth
BBC - 04/08/2007

The discovery of foot-and-mouth disease among cattle at a farm in Surrey will prompt memories of the major outbreak which hit the UK in 2001.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)