2007 German horror tale
Washingtom Post - 03/03/2007

Earlier this month, a German teen-ager was forcibly taken from her parents and imprisoned in a psychiatric ward. Her crime? She is being home-schooled. On Feb. 1, 15 German police officers forced their way into the home of the Busekros family in the Bavarian town of Erlangen. They hauled off 16-year-old Melissa, the eldest of the six Busekros children, to a psychiatric ward in nearby Nuremberg. Last week, a court affirmed that Melissa has to remain in the Child Psychiatry Unit because she is suffering from "school phobia."

Report Blames Factory Farms for Bird Flu
ipsnews.net - 03/03/2007

Factory farms are responsible for both the bird flu and emissions of greenhouse gases that now top those of cars and sport utility vehicles (SUVs), according to a report released Monday. Sixty percent of global livestock production, including chicken and pig "confined animal feedlot operations" (CAFOs), now occur in the developing world. Unregulated zoning and subsidies that encourage these CAFOs or factory farms are moving closer to major urban areas in China, Bangladesh, India, and many countries in Africa, said the report, "Vital Signs 2007-2008" by the Worldwatch Institute.

Germany - "Master of Transport"
german-foreign-policy.com - 02/03/2007

The German Railroad Corp.'s rise to a predominating position in European Rail traffic is encountering resistance in Great Britain. The director of the German Railroad, Hartmut Mehdorn, seeks to use the billions in proceeds generated by the forthcoming privatization of the enterprise, to buy up the rail companies in several EU countries. If Brussels does not intervene to stop this sort of state subsidy, very soon one will be confronted with "monstrous European rail monopolists", voices in London are warning.

German "Imperium" Europe
german-foreign-policy.com - 02/03/2007

On the eve of Germany's presidency of the EU, German cartographical plans for a "large scale reordering of Europe" have come to light. These maps were produced at the request of the German Foreign Office and are intended for the political and administrative use of German authorities. In these presentations, Germany dominates the area called "Middle Europe" as the country with the largest population. Great Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands are excluded. Denmark, Spain, Italy and Portugal also do not belong to "Middle Europe". Former Yugoslavia up to the Albanian frontier and thirteen other states in Eastern Europe do. According to the themes developed "areas historically ruled by the predominantly German-speaking states" are the most "suitable" for inclusion in the "The cultural space (Kulturraum) of Middle Europe".

Germany and Japan seek UN Security Council Seat
german-foreign-policy.com - 02/03/2007

Germany and Japan have launched a second UN offensive and seek to make a consolidated effort to attain seats on the UN Security Council. This was announced by Chancellor Angela Merkel following talks in Berlin with the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The new assault ("UN reform") succeeds a UN diplomatic debacle, in which both sides failed, due to the resistance of several World War II victims of the earlier Berlin/Tokyo axis of aggression.

Europe - The Erosion of National Sovereignty
german-foreign-policy.com - 02/03/2007

In spite of the massive resistance put up by several EU member states, the German Interior Minister is demanding that a restriction on rights of national sovereignty in the field of security be applied throughout the EU. Following a meeting with his EU counterparts, Wolfgang Schäuble announced that Germany intends to obtain access to police data of all EU member states.

Mmmm, Tasty Chemicals
msnbc.msn.com - 02/03/2007

If you've ever puzzled over why packaged foods contain "polysorbate 60" or "mono and diglycerides," Ettlinger's new book, "Twinkie, Deconstructed," is a treat you'll want to try. Chapter by chapter, Ettlinger the author of previous food books like "Beer for Dummies" decodes all 39 ingredients in the little crème-filled cakes. He explains their uses and the processes by which raw materials are "crushed, baked, fermented, refined and/or reacted into a totally unrecognizable goo or powder with a strange name," which then appears on a label full of other incomprehensible and barely pronounceable ingredients

Pope is warned of a green Antichrist
timesonline - 02/03/2007

An arch-conservative cardinal chosen by the Pope to deliver this year's Lenten meditations to the Vatican hierarchy has caused consternation by giving warning of an Antichrist who is a pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist. Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, 78, who retired as Archbishop of Bologna three years ago, quoted Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), the Russian philosopher and mystic, as predicting that the Antichrist will convoke an ecumenical council and seek the consensus of all the Christian confessions. The masses would follow the Antichrist, with the exception of small groups of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants who would fight to prevent the watering down and ultimate destruction of the faith, he said.

'Renew animal sacrifices on Mount' says radical rabbi
Israel News - 01/03/2007

A Member of Sanhedrin says sacrifices 'were not possible when the people of Israel were in the Diaspora, but now they are. Jerusalem Temple should be rebuilt, Israeli government standing in our way'
Animal sacrifices should be renewed on the Temple Mount, a member of the radical Sanhedrin organization said. In ancient Israel and Judea, the Sanhedrin served as the highest court in the land, and was made up of 71 top judges. Now, a group of fringe rabbis say they have reformed the group, although the organization has received no recognition from Israel's official religious authorities.

Bush camp between a rock and a hard place
Daily Telegraph - 01/03/2007

The Bush administration will be taking a massive gamble if it presses ahead with plans to attend a regional conference on the future of Iraq later this month. There have been repeated calls most recently by former US secretary of state James Baker's Iraq Study Group last December for Washington to have a constructive dialogue with the despotic regimes that currently hold sway over Iran and Syria. But President George W Bush has steadfastly refused to deal with either country on the grounds that they continue to support international terrorism and have contributed significantly to creating the chaotic security situation that currently prevails in Iraq.
The Syrians have done next to nothing to prevent thousands of would-be suicide bombers and Sunni sympathisers from crossing into Iraq while the evidence of Iranian complicity in Shia Muslim terrorist activity in southern Iraq grows stronger by the day. No one at the White House suffers any illusions that Syria and Iran, stalwart allies in sabotaging American interests in the Middle East, have anything but contempt for the US-led coalition's attempts to transform Iraq from its former failed state status into a functioning democracy.

A Chilling message for the Infidels
thefirstpost.co.uk - 01/03/2007

Just six weeks before last Saturday's terrorist atrocity in Bali, in a jail cell in Jakarta, I interviewed Abu Bakar Bashir, the alleged spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), al-Qa'eda's main ally in the region, and the group on which western attention is focused in the hunt for culprits.
Bashir was celebrating the news that an Indonesian court had agreed to reduce his 30-month sentence for conspiracy in the 2002 Bali bombings by more than four months, meaning that he will soon walk free.
Ever since the first bombings, in which 202 people died, Indonesian authorities have been woolly in their response to terrorism for fear of alienating a largely anti-American population. Nothing illustrates this better than the appeal court's judgment on Bashir's early release - they took the decision even though he was implicated in a JI plot to overthrow Indonesia's previous government, and despite independent testimony from senior JI operatives in custody that he had approved the 2002 bombings.
At 66, Bashir is a lanky, bespectacled Hadrami, who, like Osama Bin Laden, traces his family back to the Hadramawt region of Yemen. Surrounded by acolytes - including known JI bombers - serving him dates, he answered questions with a strong voice and easy laugh. As Bali recovers, SCOTT ATRAN gets a lesson in global relations from a jailed Muslim leader.

US commanders admit:: We face a Vietnam-style collapse
The Guardioan - 01/03/2007

An elite team of officers advising the US commander, General David Petraeus, in Baghdad has concluded that they have six months to win the war in Iraq - or face a Vietnam-style collapse in political and public support that could force the military into a hasty retreat. The officers - combat veterans who are experts in counter-insurgency - are charged with implementing the "new way forward" strategy announced by George Bush on January 10. The plan includes a controversial "surge" of 21,500 additional American troops to establish security in the Iraqi capital and Anbar province.

Govt blamed for lawlessness
dawn.com - 28/02/2007

QUETTA, Pakistan, Feb 28: Lawyers and journalists on Wednesday held the government responsible for growing lawlessness in the province owing to which precious lives were lost in suicide attacks and bomb blasts. Speaking at a condolence reference held at the press club for victims of the February 17 tragic incident, the speakers said the terrorists could be defeated through national unity. They condemned the suicide attack in a courtroom in which 17 people, including a senior judge, had been killed and many others suffered injuries.

Bee vanishing act baffles keepers
BBC - 27/02/2007

Honeybees are vanishing at an alarming rate from 24 US states, threatening the production of numerous crops. The cause of the losses, which range from 30% to more than 70%, are a mystery, but experts are investigating several theories. American bee colonies have been hit by regional crises before, but keepers say this is the first national crisis. Bees pollinate more than $14bn (£7bn) worth of US seeds and crops each year, mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Scientists warn of US water shortages
FT.com - 27/02/2007

Severe water shortages are likely to constrain future expansion of population, agriculture and industry in the south-western US, the fastest growing part of the country, according to a report by the National Academy of Sciences. The study focused on the Colorado River, which supplies water to about 25m people and millions of acres of farmland in seven states. It concluded that droughts would be longer and more serious than had been previously assumed.

Current Colorado water use policies ? and the way water is allocated between competing users in the seven states ? are based on measurements of river flow during the early 20th century. However, conditions then, which were thought until recently to be "normal", were in fact unusually wet when seen from a long-term historical perspective.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)