President Bush is putting into place a new political and military command team, all in preparation for an expanded war in the Middle East. We have already noted that the USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) aircraft carrier battle group is heading to the Persian Gulf to join the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) aircraft carrier battle group currently on station there. Along with each carrier attack group comes a fleet of 12 ships, including two guided missile-cruisers, generally Ticonderoga-class, two guided missile destroyers, generally Arleigh Burke-class, and an attack submarine that is usually Los Angeles-class.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashed back over the U.S. military buildup in the Gulf, saying Thursday that Iran is ready for any possibility in the standoff over its nuclear program. The president made clear he was not backing down in his tough rhetoric toward the United States, despite criticism at home. Conservatives and reformists alike have openly challenged Ahmadinejad's nuclear diplomacy tactics, many saying his fiery anti-Western remarks are doing more harm than good. Ahmadinejad said their calls for compromise echo "the words of the enemy."
All of a sudden, the oil sands in Alberta, Canada have become a veritable black gold mine. And Big Oil's heavy hitters are wishing they acted sooner. Just three years ago, when the average price of crude was $29.63 a barrel, producers didn't find the profits to be worth the costs of processing the oil sands. But improvements in mining technology have dramatically reduced the cost of extraction, rocketing bottom lines skyward.
Gordon Brown has called for a new world order, to be achieved by reorganising international institutions including the United Nations and Nato. In a marked change of tone after years in which Tony Blair has been criticised for being too close to President Bush, the Chancellor emphasised the importance of working multinationally. And, in an agenda that would involve overhauling virtually all the world's big organisations, he promised that he would put Britain's interests and values at their heart.
Britain is aiming to scupper German plans to revive the European constitution in a direct assault on the main project of the EU presidency of Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor. Such a campaign, if successful, would free Tony Blair's successor from his promise to hold a referendum on the document. Mrs Merkel told the European Parliament yesterday that a failure to salvage the constitution after its rejection by French and Dutch voters would be an historic letdown and set a target for a new document by the end of 2008.
Three nights of freezing temperatures have destroyed up to three-quarters of California's $1 billion citrus crop, according to an estimate issued Monday as forecasters warned the weather could continue.
Experts assessing the dangers posed to civilisation have added climate change to the prospect of nuclear annihilation as the greatest threats to humankind. As a result, the group has moved the minute hand on its famous "Doomsday Clock" two minutes closer to midnight. The concept timepiece, devised by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, now stands at five minutes to the hour.
The EU has been urged to ban the swastika because of its Nazi associations with hate and racism. But the symbol was around long before Adolf Hitler.
China's population has officially passed 1.3 billion citizens, with the birth of a baby boy early on Thursday.
The ancient Jordanian city of Petra has probably not seen such a buzz of activity since civilised life ended there in the 8th century AD.
While Jerusalem serves as Israel's capital, and the Temple Mount is located within Israeli sovereignty, the popular satellite map program Google Earth divides the city and places the Mount Judaism's holiest site within Palestinian territory. Interactive Google Earth maps mark eastern sections of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as "occupied territory," set to become part of a future Palestinian state.
Fish is the last wild meal in the human diet, but roughly two-thirds of the world's major stocks are now fished at or beyond their capacity, and another 10 percent have been harvested so heavily that populations will take years to recover.
Countries continue to lose more trees than they regenerate. Global forest cover stands at approximately half the original extent of 8,000 years ago.
In 2004, weather-related disasters caused nearly $105 billion in economic losses (in 2003 dollars) almost twice the total in 2003. Roughly 12,000 weather-related disasters since 1980 have caused just over 618,200 fatalities and cost a total of 1.3 trillion.
Unusually warm winter has led to an explosion in the vole population in central Spain, one of the country's main agricultural regions. Farmers say the rodents usually disappear in winter but this year that has not happened and some 500,000 hectares (1.25 million acres) of cropland in the Castilla-Leon region are being steadily gnawed away.