What the EU's 'commitment' to freedom and democracy really means
The Business - 23/07/2006

Do our "opposition" politicians have nothing to say about this? Is it enough to turn up and lay a wreath at the Cenotaph or local war memorial once a year? Well, by November this will have already happened, unless it is stopped.

Schools in fingerprinting row
BBC News - 23/07/2006

Tens of thousands of children are being fingerprinted in school - often without the consent of their parents, a human rights group has complained.

Prints are taken for a library lending system which the makers say makes lending more efficient and less vulnerable to abuse.

But the pressure group Privacy International says the practice is illegal and breaches the human right to privacy.

Methodists and Catholics mend a historical rift
Reuters - 23/07/2006

Greater harmony among Christians, a key goal of Pope Benedict's papacy, took a step forward on Sunday when Methodist churches joined a landmark agreement that has brought Catholics and Lutherans closer together.

The World Methodist Council, which represents about 70 million believers, signed on to the 1999 agreement resolving the main theological dispute that led to the 16th-century Protestant Reformation and the splitting of western Christianity.

EU Envoy Solana meets with Israeli leaders
Israel Today - 20/07/2006

The European Union's High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana met with Israel's government leaders today to discuss the current crisis in northern Israel and Lebanon. In a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Solana said he believes it is unnecessary for Hizballah to be on the EU's list of terror organizations, but that the EU strongly disapproves of Hizballah's actions.

Gay police in anti-religion probe
BBC - 20/07/2006

The Gay Police Association (GPA) is being investigated after it claimed a rise in homophobic attacks was due to religious belief. An advert, showing a Bible next to a pool of blood under the heading "in the name of the father", appeared in a national newspaper's supplement. Scotland Yard said the inquiry "centres on whether the advert constitutes a faith crime." The GPA refused to comment while the matter was still under investigation.

Gay and Christian police in row
BBC - 20/07/2006

Two staff associations within the UK's police forces are at the centre of an increasingly bitter dispute. The row between the Gay Police Association and the Christian Police Association has been simmering for a while.

Crisis in the Mideast: Civilization at stake
WorldNetDaily - 20/07/2006

Iran wants to buy time ? time to continue pursuing its nuclear program in the wake of growing international opposition. So to distract the world's attention, let's start a proxy war.
Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, on June 25, 2006, tunneled into Israeli territory, kidnapped one Israeli soldier, killed two more, and has since launched hundreds of rockets from Gaza into Israel.

Violence in Israel caused by 'gay' event?
WorldNetDaily - 20/07/2006

Are Israel's troubles in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon and the Hezbollah rockets slamming daily into major Israeli population centers here a result of the Jewish state's tacit support for a homosexual parade slated for next month in Jerusalem?
Some rabbis seem to think so, and they are attempting to block the event from taking place in Judaism's holiest city.

Apostolic Nuncio in Israel Pleading for Peace
Zenit.org - 19/07/2006

JERUSALEM, Benedict XVI's representative in the Holy Land appealed for dialogue and prayer to overcome the violence that is currently scourging the Middle East.

China eyes exploration of Mars: Xinhua
Rueters - 19/07/2006

China's space exploration plans include not only missions to the Moon but also Mars, the official Xinhua news agency on Wednesday cited a government official as saying.
China will also seek international cooperation for its deep space plans, it quoted Sun Laiyan, head of the China National Space Administration, as saying.

Former Beijing Policeman Reveals an Assembly Line System of Organ Harvesting
The Epoch Times - 17/07/2006

A former Beijing policeman and member of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) revealed that there is an 'assembly line' system of organ harvesting in Beijing and the Chinese Communist regime forcefully removes people's organs without their consent. After a prisoner is sentenced to death in China, the actual date of his death seems to depend on the needs of transplant operations.

Iran: U.S., U.K., Israel Are 'Axis of Evil'
NewsMax - 17/07/2006

Here's a twist on some common war on terror terminology. Apparently mocking President Bush's reference in 2002 to the 'Axis of Evil - Iraq, Iran and North Korea - the Supreme Commandant of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps uses the same desription for the alliance of United States, Britain, and Israel.

According to IranFocus.com, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi made his remark Sunday, saying: "Today, the global axis of evil ? the U.S., the Zionists, and Britain ? are showing their true colors of world devouring and exploitation through their occupation and the killing of defenseless people."

Hezbollah threat to U.S. 'serious'
WorldNetDaily - 17/07/2006

The Iranian-sponsored terrorist organization Hezbollah' threats to attack U.S. interests around the world are being taken seriously by U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials who say the group's agents have attempted illegal entry into the country through the southern border and have staked out 20 potential sensitive targets that Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad boasted could "end Anglo-Saxon civilization,"

A Third World War
Human Events Online - by Newt Gingrich - 17/07/2006

Like you, I spent the past week viewing the events in the Middle East with growing concern. In the 13 weeks that I have been bringing you my thoughts in Winning the Future, I have shared with you directly many challenges facing us. But no challenge confronting America is greater than the one I am writing about today. And no challenge requires us to be more candid and more direct about what victory will require.

World powers work on Lebanon 'stabilisation' force
Yahoo News - 17/07/2006

World leaders have began work on organizing a substantial international force for Lebanon as the Middle East crisis overshadowed key trade talks at a G8 summit and US President George W. Bush made a gaffe. British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the "stabilisation" force should be "far greater" than the 2,000-strong UN observer mission already deployed in southern Lebanon.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)