Buffett gift means millions for abortion
WorldNetDaily.com - 28/06/2006

Pro-life advocates are concerned about investment guru Warren Buffett's massive donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation because of the Microsoft founder's support for abortion.

The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America almost $12.5 million since 1998, including funds to persuade teens to support abortion and to lobby the United Nations to advance pro-abortion proposals, reported LifeNews.com

Israeli army enters Gaza in ground offensive
The Times of India - 28/06/2006

GAZA: Israeli troops entered the southern Gaza Strip, starting a broad ground operation early Wednesday, following the abduction of an Israeli soldier by Palestinian militants.
The Israeli army has confirmed the start of the offensive, code-named "Summer Rain", adding that the military operation is aimed to secure the return of the kidnapped soldier.

Anglican Church likely to split over gays
Agence France-Presse - 28/06/2006

The spiritual leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion raised the prospect of division yesterday, with those opposed to homosexual clergy and the blessing of gay unions forming "associated" or "constituent" churches. "There is no way in which the Anglican Communion can remain unchanged by what is happening at the moment," said Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. "Neither the liberal nor the conservative can simply appeal to a historic identity that doesn't correspond with where we now are."

Middle East crisis: Future scenarios
BBC - 27/06/2006

Now that the Rome conference on Lebanon has ended without a decisive move towards settling the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, it is worth looking at what might happen next

Push for new tactics as war on malaria falters
New York Times - 27/06/2006

The mosquito nets arrived too late for 18-month-old Phillip Odong.

The roly-poly boy came down with his fourth bout of malaria the same day the nets were handed out on March 16 at the makeshift camp where he lived in northern Uganda. "It was because of poverty that we could not afford one," his mother, Jackeline Ato, recalled recently seated in rags beneath a mango tree.

Pentagon report on China highlights danger of nuclear war
Asian Tribune - 26/06/2006

One sinister aspect of the US Defence Department's 2006 report on the Chinese military released last month is its discussion of nuclear policy.
Overall, the document entitled Annual Report to Congress: Military Power of the People's Republic of China" marked a more aggressive US military stance toward China than in previous years. It identified the Chinese regime as a military rival and highlighted its growing defence spending, particularly its investment in advanced military technology

Militant groups vow to avenge Israeli 'massacres'
GulfNews - 24/06/2006

Ramallah: Four Palestinian militant groups on Friday announced that they had severed their commitment to a de facto truce in anti-Israeli attacks in order to avenge 'massacres' committed by Israel.

Bush 'backed spying on Americans'
BBC - 24/06/2006

President Bush allowed security agents to eavesdrop on people inside the US without court approval after 9/11, the New York Times has reported.

US mosques checked for radiation
BBC - 24/06/2006

US authorities have been secretly monitoring radiation levels at Muslim sites amid fears that terrorists might obtain nuclear weapons, it has emerged.

US fears home-grown terror threat
BBC - 24/06/2006

The US Attorney-General, Alberto Gonzales has warned that home-grown terrorists could pose as much danger to the US as foreign al-Qaeda operatives.

U.S. unprepared for Net meltdown, blue chips warn
CNET News.com - 23/06/2006

The United States has never experienced a massive Internet outage, but a coalition of dynamic chief executives said Friday that the nation must do more to prepare for that prospect.

Hamas: Islam will conquer U.S., Britain
WorldNet Daily - 23/06/2006

A new video on the website of the Palestinian terrorist and governing group Hamas promises the eventual defeat and subjugation of Western nations under Islam.

Society Faces "Tyranny of Instability," Says Pope
ZENIT News Agency - 23/06/2006

Benedict XVI exhorted the bishops of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to defend life and the family, saying that a society without authentic values faces a "tyranny of instability."

US Senate approves 517.7 billion dollar military budget
AFP - 23/06/2006

The US Senate has unanimously approved a 517.7 billion dollar defense bill for fiscal year 2007 that includes 50 billion dollars in funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Christians arrested at homosexual event
WorldNetDaily - 22/06/2006

Eleven Christians who were demonstrating at a public homosexual-rights event in Philadelphia have been arrested and charged they say unjustly. According to a statement from Life and Liberty Ministries, on Sunday the Christian protesters were "preaching God's Word" to the crowd of people attending the outdoor Philadelphia OutFest event and displaying banners with biblical messages.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)