US mosques checked for radiation
BBC - 24/06/2006

US authorities have been secretly monitoring radiation levels at Muslim sites amid fears that terrorists might obtain nuclear weapons, it has emerged.

US fears home-grown terror threat
BBC - 24/06/2006

The US Attorney-General, Alberto Gonzales has warned that home-grown terrorists could pose as much danger to the US as foreign al-Qaeda operatives.

U.S. unprepared for Net meltdown, blue chips warn
CNET - 23/06/2006

The United States has never experienced a massive Internet outage, but a coalition of dynamic chief executives said Friday that the nation must do more to prepare for that prospect.

Hamas: Islam will conquer U.S., Britain
WorldNet Daily - 23/06/2006

A new video on the website of the Palestinian terrorist and governing group Hamas promises the eventual defeat and subjugation of Western nations under Islam.

Society Faces "Tyranny of Instability," Says Pope
ZENIT News Agency - 23/06/2006

Benedict XVI exhorted the bishops of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to defend life and the family, saying that a society without authentic values faces a "tyranny of instability."

US Senate approves 517.7 billion dollar military budget
AFP - 23/06/2006

The US Senate has unanimously approved a 517.7 billion dollar defense bill for fiscal year 2007 that includes 50 billion dollars in funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Christians arrested at homosexual event
WorldNetDaily - 22/06/2006

Eleven Christians who were demonstrating at a public homosexual-rights event in Philadelphia have been arrested and charged they say unjustly. According to a statement from Life and Liberty Ministries, on Sunday the Christian protesters were "preaching God's Word" to the crowd of people attending the outdoor Philadelphia OutFest event and displaying banners with biblical messages.

New US church leader says homosexuality no sin
Reuters - 22/06/2006

Newly elected leader of the U.S. Episcopal Church Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said on Monday she believed homosexuality was no sin and homosexuals were created by God to love people of the same gender.

Viewpoints: The urban world in 2050
BBC - 22/06/2006

The world is fast approaching the point where the majority of the human population will be found in urban areas. The projection is that in 50 years' time, two-thirds of humanity will live in cities. Six experts outline their vision of the urban world in 2050.

As the Mideast sun sets on U.S. influence - 22/06/2006

The world is seeing a major transition in the energy situation. Not only are oil prices soaring, Russia is stepping up its petroleum trading negotiations, while China's appetite for energy seems to have no bounds.

Winds of change are also buffeting the Middle East, which still accounts for about 60 percent of the world's oil reserves.

Annan calls for nations to act over nuclear growth - 22/06/2006

KOFI Annan, the United Nations secretary general, yesterday warned the world was "sleepwalking" towards nuclear proliferation and must urgently revive efforts to halt the spread of nuclear weapons.

Addressing the UN conference on disarmament, Mr Annan said that without moves to halt proliferation, more and more states were likely to seek nuclear weapons which could also then fall into non-state hands.

Brown backs Trident replacement
BBC - 22/06/2006

Trident will be decommissioned by about 2024

Gordon Brown has signalled that he wants to keep and renew Britain's independent nuclear deterrent. The Trident missile system and the Vanguard submarines which carry them need replacing by 2024 and a decision is set to be taken in the next year.

Estimates of the cost vary from £10bn to £25bn, depending on what type of new missiles or submarines are chosen. Mr Brown's intervention has enraged critics, who say Trident has no use now the Soviet Cold War threat is over.

Female chief makes Church history
BBC - 22/06/2006

The US Episcopal Church has chosen a woman as its next leader - making it the first church anywhere in the Anglican denomination to do so.
Katharine Jefferts Schori narrowly won a vote among her fellow bishops at a governing General Convention meeting. The choice must still be approved by delegates at the convention, where the bishops' vote is normally backed.

US Church eases gay bishop stance
BBC - 22/06/2006

The US Episcopal Church has agreed to "exercise restraint" in appointing gay bishops in an effort to prevent its expulsion from the Anglican communion.
The communion has been in turmoil since the 2003 election of the gay bishop Gene Robinson in New Hampshire.

'Extreme debt' levels get worse
BBC - 22/06/2006

Levels of 'extreme debt' in the UK are worsening, says a charity which has seen the number of its clients owing more than £100,000 nearly double.
The Consumer Credit Counselling Service saw the number of clients in extreme debt rise from 1.4% to 2.7% in a year.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)