China losing confidence in the dollar
Washington Post - 10/01/2006

CHINA - China has grown worried about tying its savings so closely to the dollar, a currency that many economists think is due for a fall.

Scientist's embryo cloning faked
BBC - 10/01/2006

SOUTH KOREA - An investigation into the pioneering work of South Korean cloning scientist Hwang Woo-suk has found further fabrications in his research.

Quick guide: Somalia's Islamists
BBC - 09/01/2006

The Union of Islamic Courts controlled most of southern Somalia for six months after winning a battle for the capital, Mogadishu, in June. The US say they are linked to terrorist groups but they deny that. Who are they?

Quake rattles Greece
The Scotsman - 08/01/2006

GREECE - A powerful earthquake shook Greece and reverberated across many parts of the Mediterranean, but caused only slight damage and three minor injuries, authorities said.

Chinese revolution turns hi-tech.
BBC - 05/01/2006

CHINA - Sixty years after the revolution engineered by Chairman Mao, China is in the midst of a different revolution - of a digital variety. People are surprised by China because it's been like a sleeping lion for years. Now it's starting to jump.

The US readies its WMD
AlJazeera - 05/01/2006

USA - New US policies that involve the use of nuclear weapons were formulated in the administration document "Nuclear Posture Review" of 2001. A new concept of warfare is being developed.

Ukraine 'stealing Europe's gas'
BBC - 02/01/2006

RUSSIA - Russia has accused Ukraine of stealing $25 million of gas exports destined for Europe after it cut off supplies to the country on Sunday.

Washington has been holding talks with allies in preparation of an air assault on Iran.
AlJazeera - 01/01/2006

USA - Numerous media reports' predicts that the United States, backed by Israel, will launch a military strike, targeting Iran's nuclear sites in 2006

Death threats cut Iraq oil flow
BBC - 29/12/2005

IRAQ - Iraq's largest oil refinery has been shut down following death threats to tanker drivers, jeopardising supplies of electricity across northern Iraq.

EU's year of stress and strain
BBC News - 29/12/2005

EUROPE - The ambassador, looking back at the year, told me: "We have a saying in Czech, if it's a good result, the process has been good". Well, that was in the euphoria of having agreed a budget that at one time seemed impossible, but "all's well that ends well" is a remarkably cheery verdict on the European Union's year of pain.

China hikes interest rate on US dollar deposits
China Daily - 28/12/2005

CHINA - China raised interest rates on US dollar and Hong Kong dollar deposits yesterday, a move that analysts say is a response to higher interest rates on the international market.

Bird flu fails - for now - to take wing along migratory pathways
Khaleej Times - 28/12/2005

WASHINGTON, USA - Bird flu appears more likely to wing its away around the globe by plane rather than by migrating birds.

Criminals target viruses for cash
BBC News - 28/12/2005

UK - At first glance 2005 looks like it was a quiet year for computer security because there were far fewer serious Windows virus outbreaks than in 2004.

Europe launches Galileo satellite
BBC - 28/12/2005

EUROPE - A new era in satellite navigation has begun with the launch of Giove-A.

USA - The Outstanding Public Debt as of 28 December 2005 - 28/12/2005

USA - The Outstanding Public Debt as of 28 December 2005 at 08:32:27am GMT is: $8,183,624,283,530.78

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)