WCG considers denominational name change
WWN - 12/12/2005

USA - Joseph Tkach, WCG president, announced at the pastors conference in Rancho Mirage, California, August 13 that the church was considering changing the name of the denomination.

A Look at US Military Deaths in Iraq
By The Associated Press - 12/12/2005

IRAQ - As of Sunday, December 10, 2005, at least 2,142 members of the US military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. At least 1,676 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military's numbers. The figures include five military civilians.

Taiwan Flashpoint
BBC - 10/12/2005

TAIWAN - Taiwan has one of Asia's few functioning democracies and one of its strongest economies.

'Gay weddings' become law in UK
BBC news - 06/12/2005

UK - At least 1,200 ceremonies are confirmed as being scheduled already, according to figures from councils compiled by the BBC News website.

Panic as giant earthquake rocks east Africa
The Associated Press - 06/12/2005

CONGO - A powerful earthquake in Lake Tanganyika yesterday toppled dozens of homes in the Congolese town nearest the epicentre, burying children, according to a doctor and the United Nations.

Brown fights on over farm subsidies
The Observer - 04/12/2005

UK - 'We want reform,' chancellor insists as he ignores Blair's deal and takes on the French. Gordon Brown yesterday piled the pressure on France to cut lavish farm subsidies, in the latest twist on the battle over Britain's EU rebate.

CIA charges roil EU on eve of visit
Globe Staff - 04/12/2005

BERLIN, GERMANY - Rice trip comes amid probes of detentions.

First black Archbishop enthroned
BBC NEWS - 30/11/2005

UK - The Right Reverrend John Sentamu has become the first black archbishop in the Church of England in a York Minster ceremony of ancient ritual and African dancers.

Mine blast a new calamity for China
Washington Post - 28/11/2005

BEIJING, CHINA - 50 coal workers dead, 100 trapped.

UK seeks cuts to future EU budget
BBC NEWS - 28/11/2005

UK - The UK is proposing to cut the EU's spending on aid to poorer countries in an attempt to get a deal on the bloc's future budget by the end of December. The move would hit hardest the Eastern European states which joined the EU last year, but Italy has also objected.

Deadly history of earthquakes
BBC NEWS - 27/11/2005

UK - Earthquakes have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the last 100 years and improvements in technology have only slightly reduced the death toll.

American Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls For Global War
MNN - 19/11/2005

USA - If Christian fundamentalists are to be believed, America's invasion of Iraq and the consequent brutal slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians in that country are all part of a grand divine plan that will finally culminate in the 'second coming' of Jesus Christ.

Palestinians take over key border
BBC NEWS - 15/11/2005

PALESTINE - Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has presided over a ceremony marking the official re-opening of the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Declaring the crossing at Rafah open, Mr Abbas said it was "a dream come true" for Gaza's 1.3 million residents.

Colombia's Galeras volcano erupts
BBC News - 15/11/2005

COLOMBIA - One of Colombia's largest volcanoes has erupted, spewing huge amounts of ash and sulphur fumes.

Drug fakes damage malaria control
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4434686.stm - 15/11/2005

UK - Anti-malaria drugs which save hundreds of thousands of lives every year are at risk of becoming useless, because of new counterfeiting tactics.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)