Venezuela's president threatens oil cut-off
The Washington Post - 20/03/2005

VENEZUELA - President Hugo Chavez has recently signed energy deals with France, India and China.

Fault-lines primed for new tsunami
The Times - 17/03/2005

SUMATRA - The Boxing Day earthquake has increased the likelihood of more devastation in the region

China's economy expected to grow 8-9 percent in 2005
Xinhua - 13/03/2005

CHINA - Strong growth in China's economy.

China - A coal-dependent future?
BBC NEWS - 09/03/2005

CHINA - Coal built China - and fuels its relentless growth today.

Up to 500 dead in Iran quake
AP - 22/02/2005

IRAN - The death toll from the powerful earthquake that rocked Iran earlier on Tuesday, is currently at 500.

Al Qaeda capable of mounting "devastating attack" says UN report
AP - 16/02/2005

UNITED NATIONS - Brutal attacks by Osama bin Laden's followers will escalate as they still have easy access to bomb making materials and money.

Israel and Palestine leaders agree truce
International Herald Tribune - 08/02/2005

MIDDLE EAST - Israeli and Palestinian leaders met at a Mideast summit Tuesday for face-to-face talks and goodwill gestures aimed at ending four years of violence and entering an era of peace in the middle east.

Hamas takes over at Gaza councils
BBC News - 05/02/2005

PALESTINE - Palestinian militant group Hamas is formally taking control of the municipalities it won in the recent local elections in the Gaza Strip.

Ailing Pope to stay in hospital
BBC NEWS - 02/02/2005

VATICAN - Overnight medical treatment for Pope John Paul II.

Fifth bird flu case in Vietnam
BBC News - 14/01/2005

VIETNAM - The fifth case of human bird flu in two weeks in Vietnam has raised fears of a new epidemic

Asia to gain in stature as it becomes economic powerhouse
Reuters, Hong Kong. - 07/01/2005

HONG KONG - China and India emerging as dominant consumers.

Israel gets tough on rioting settlers
UPI - 04/01/2005

ISRAEL - Israel's government has decided to take tough steps against Israelis who attack soldiers and police officers removing them from occupied territories.

Voters urged to accept EU changes
BBC News - 03/01/2005

UK - British voters have been warned they could open up questions about the UK's relations with other European countries if they reject the EU constitution.

Danger of nuclear war mounting on Korean peninsula: North Korea
Khaleej Times Online - 01/01/2005

SEOUL, NORTH KOREA - Risk of a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula.

US boosts tsunami aid to $350 million
New York Times - 01/01/2005

USA - NO ROADS, NO HELP: Millions homeless, deaths reaches 124,000.

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Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)