Leading Companies Betting on New 'Horse': Democrats
bloomberg.com - 10/02/2007

For some of the biggest companies in the U.S., it's payback time. Paying to Democrats, that is. After years of lopsided political giving to Republicans, American businesses are quickly rushing to support the new party in power. The top 25 corporate political action committees all gave more to Republicans than Democrats for the November 2006 elections. Afterward, 17 of them switched sides.

World Weather
http://visz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/woalert.php?lang=eng - 10/02/2007

USA - A bone-chilling cold wave with temperatures as low as 40 below zero shut down schools for thousands of youngsters Monday, sent homeless people into shelters and put car batteries on the disabled list from the northern Plains across the Great Lakes. The blowing snow and intense cold kept schools closed across much of Ohio and West Virginia. Residents of upstate New York were digging out from more than 5 feet of snow over a two-day period at the eastern end of Lake Ontario.

Blitz on human rights 'nonsense'
BBC - 10/02/2007

A more "common sense" approach to human rights laws is needed by public bodies who sometimes misinterpret them, the Lord Chancellor is to say. Lord Falconer has said the importance of the Human Rights Act has been "clouded by nonsense". The Tories have said they would scrap the Act altogether claiming it is being abused by criminals. Lord Falconer said that if rulings do not make common sense, then the Act has been wrongly interpreted.

EU gets tough on 'green crimes'
BBC - 10/02/2007

The European Commission has unveiled plans to turn environmental offences over to criminal courts across the European Union. Under the plans, people could face jail not only for dumping toxic and nuclear waste but also for illegally trading in endangered plants or species. It marks an extension of the EU's powers, following a landmark ruling by the European Court of Justice in 2005. Criminal law is a competence jealously guarded by the 27 member states. The proposals must first be approved by member states and the European Parliament to become law.

Chertoff's 'Islam PC' rankles fed officials
WorldNetDaily.com - 10/02/2007

Citing recent internal memos, Department of Homeland Security employees complain their boss Michael Chertoff is hamstringing counter-terror operations with pro-Islamic political correctness. They say headquarters has cautioned officials not to describe Islamic terrorism as Islamic and to respect Islam as a "religion of peace." "It's constantly drilled into us that Islam is not the enemy, and that the terrorists are merely a minority of 'extremists' distorting Islam," said one official who wished to go unnamed.

Palestinian groups sign unity deal
Al Jazeera - 08/02/2007

Rival Palestinian leaders have signed a deal to form a government of national unity aimed at ending lethal infighting and a crippling international boycott. The deal, mediated by Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, was confirmed at a signing ceremony in Mecca on Thursday. Under the deal, Hamas promised to "respect" peace deals with Israel.

Gideons Arrested for Handing out Bibles
WorldNetDaily - 08/02/2007

Two men who are members of Gideons International, the Christian organization that is famous for, among other ministries, placing Bibles in motels and giving them to children, have been arrested after trying to hand out Bibles on a public sidewalk in Florida, according to a law firm. Officials with the Alliance Defense Fund have confirmed they will be representing Anthony Mirto and Ernest Simpson, who were arrested, booked into jail and charged with trespassing.

Muslims Erupt Over Temple Mount Excavations
CNSNews.com - 07/02/2007

The Muslim world is upset about archeological excavations around Jerusalem's Temple Mount because they fear it will disprove their claim that Jews never inhabited the Holy Land before 1948, an Israeli expert on Arabic matters said here. Islamic leaders on Tuesday urged Palestinians and Muslims across the region to rally against Israel to prevent damage to the Al-Aksa mosque, the third holiest site in Islam, which is located on the Temple Mount.

Israel dig plan 'threatens Al-Aqsa'
aljazeera - 06/02/2007

Taysir al-Tamimi, a senior Muslim scholar and judge, has said Israeli bulldozers are moving towards the al-Maghareba gate of the al-Aqsa mosque compound to demolish parts of a mound covering the walkway.
Speaking on Al Jazeera, Sheikh al-Tamimi called for Palestinians to immediately head to al-Aqsa mosque to "protect" the site from the Israelis."The occupation bulldozers are headed to destroy the historic route from Dung Gate," al-Tamimi said on Tuesday.

Palestinians set for Mecca talks
BBC - 05/02/2007

Palestinian leaders whose factions have engaged in deadly battles are preparing for talks in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, seen as a last chance to avoid civil war. Hopes are high the meeting between PM Ismail Haniya and President Mahmoud Abbas may lead to a unity government and revitalise peace moves with Israel. Mr Haniya's Hamas and Mr Abbas's Fatah factions have been locked in a bitter power struggle over the last year. About 60 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip in the last two weeks.

Texas Gov. Orders Anti-Cancer Vaccine
Associated Press - 04/02/2007

AUSTIN, Texas -- Some conservatives and parents' rights groups worry that requiring girls to get vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way they raise their children. By using an executive order that bypassed the Legislature, Republican Gov. Rick Perry -- himself a conservative -- on Friday avoided such opposition, making Texas the first state to mandate that schoolgirls get vaccinated against the virus. Beginning in September 2008, girls entering the sixth grade will have to receive Gardasil, Merck & Co.'s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Bird flu is the price of your £5 roast
Guardian Unlimited - 04/02/2007

These fearful diseases are a consequence of our demand for cheap, plentiful meat and poultry. There is something biblical about modern farming. One calamity seems to follow another. Plagues sweep through livestock with terrifying speed. Barely had we got used to television images of sick cows, staggering with BSE, than our screens filled with the pyres of thousands of dead animals, incinerated in an attempt to stop the spread of foot and mouth.

Plan Merkel sets Britain up for EU clash
timesonline - 04/02/2007

AMBITIOUS plans by Chancellor Angela Merkel to revive the defunct European Union constitution have set Britain on a collision course with Berlin and most of the EU's 27 member states. Merkel has promised to resurrect the core of the constitution whose provisions include the creation of an EU foreign minister and the scrapping of national vetoes on justice and home affairs despite its rejection by French and Dutch voters in 2005.

Shia-Sunni rift heightens Mid-East tensions
BBC - 03/02/2007

Tensions are high in Lebanon, following a general strike and clashes last week that stirred memories of the country's vicious civil war in the 1970s and 80s, and raised fears that a repetition could erupt at any moment. At least seven people were killed and hundreds injured in the violence. For many Lebanese, the most worrying confrontation was between Shia and Sunni Muslims, respectively opponents and supporters of the Western-backed Beirut government.

Religious war in Gaza
ynetnews.com - 03/02/2007

This war is becoming increasingly hard to stop. It apparently can't be halted by agreements, by meetings between Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Mashaal or by Saudi, Syrian or Egyptian intervention. Even the establishment of a national unity government is unlikely to halt the battles.

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Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)