Orange Lodge backs Catholic stance on adoption - 31/01/2007

THE Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland has backed the Catholic Church in its war of words with the government over Tony Blair's decision to push ahead with controversial gay equality laws. The support from the staunchly Protestant order is a sign that the government's refusal to exempt religious groups from the Sexual Orientation Regulations is uniting Christians in opposition.

Indonesia and Pakistan seek Muslim Mideast plan - 31/01/2007

Muslim countries need to club together in a new initiative to resolve turbulence and violence in the Middle East, the leaders of Indonesia and Pakistan said on Wednesday. "We reviewed the turmoil in Palestine, in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Afghanistan and we both have consonance of views in a requirement of a new initiative," Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf told a joint news conference.

Saudi warns 'interfering' Iran - 31/01/2007

Saudi Arabia's king has said Iran is putting the Gulf region in danger and has advised Tehran leaders to know "their limits". In an interview published in Kuwait's al-Seyassah newspaper on Saturday, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud said attempts by Iran to spread Shia beliefs in Sunni communities would fail.

WorldWatch - 30/01/2007

Brief News events from around the world

N Korea helping Iran with nuclear testing - 30/01/2007

North Korea is helping Iran to prepare an underground nuclear test similar to the one Pyongyang carried out last year. Under the terms of a new understanding between the two countries, the North Koreans have agreed to share all the data and information they received from their successful test last October with Teheran's nuclear scientists. North Korea provoked an international outcry when it successfully fired a bomb at a secret underground location and Western intelligence officials are convinced that Iran is working on its own weapons programme.

Fears over deadly hospital bugs
BBC - 30/01/2007

The deadly Clostridium difficile hospital bug is on the rise, while MRSA superbug rates are falling too slowly to meet government targets. The Health Protection Agency figures show the C difficile rate rose by 5.5% in England during the first three quarters of 2006 to 42,625.

Drug company 'hid' suicide link
BBC - 30/01/2007

Secret e-mails reveal that the UK's biggest drug company distorted trial results of an anti-depressant, covering up a link with suicide in teenagers. Panorama reveals that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) attempted to show that Seroxat worked for depressed children despite failed clinical trials. And that GSK-employed ghostwriters influenced "independent" academics.

Cardinal warns of 'new morality'
BBC - 30/01/2007

Ministers have been accused of trying to impose "a new morality" by ruling Catholic adoption agencies should not be exempt from gay rights laws. Tony Blair has ruled against an opt-out despite agencies saying they will close rather than act against their beliefs. However they are to be given 21 months to adjust to the new regulations.

Great Barrier Reef could soon die
BBC - 30/01/2007

Australia's famous Great Barrier Reef could be dead within decades because of the effects of global warming, according to a leaked report. The study warns that the organisms which make up the reef's coral could be bleached, because of warmer seas.

Queensland to drink waste water
BBC - 29/01/2007

People in the Australian state of Queensland will soon have to start drinking water containing recycled sewage, the state premier has warned. Premier Peter Beattie said he had scrapped a referendum on the issue, because there was no longer a choice. He also warned other Australian states might eventually have to do the same because of mounting water shortages.

Younger Muslims 'more political'
BBC - 29/01/2007

Young Muslims are much more likely than their parents to be attracted to political forms of Islam, a think tank survey has suggested. Support for Sharia law, Islamic schools and wearing the veil is much stronger among younger Muslims, a poll for the centre-right Policy Exchange found.

New call to save EU constitution
BBC - 27/01/2007

The 18 EU countries that have ratified the bloc's draft constitution have urged the nine other members to help revive the entire beleaguered document. Representatives of the states, meeting in Spain, called for the other nine members not to scrap the constitution but to help build on it.

Iran prepares people for 'messiah miracles'
WorldNetDaily - 27/01/2007

Government broadcasts series on imminent appearance of apocalyptic Islamic 'Mahdi'. Official Iranian radio has completed broadcasting a lengthy series on the imminent appearance of a messianic figure who will defeat Islam's enemies and impose Islamic Shiite rule over the entire world even speculating on specific dates the so-called "Mahdi" will be revealed.

Iran plans satellite launch - 26/01/2007

Iran has converted a 30-ton ballistic missile into a launch vehicle that will be used to send a satellite into space soon, Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine reported on its Web site on Thursday. Alaeddin Boroujerdi, the chairman of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, spoke about the upcoming launch to religious students and clerics in Qom, the industry trade publication said.

Forecaster sees active Atlantic hurricane season
Reuters - 25/01/2007

The Atlantic hurricane season will be exceptionally active this year, according to a British forecasting group, raising the possibility that killer storms like Hurricane Katrina could again threaten the United States.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)