US military unveils new weapons systems
BBC - 25/01/2007

US military unveils heat-ray gun, 'plans stealth shark spies' and looks into 'black ice'!

Nigerian houses swallowed by sand
BBC - 24/01/2007

Ciroma Mohammed is standing on the spot he says was once occupied by his house in north-east Nigeria. "We lose houses to the desert every year," he says from the village of Bulamadu in Yobe State. The fine sand is swallowing up houses and roads every year. Almost all the villagers in this dusty arid region say they have lost homes and farms to the Sahara Desert which is expanding southwards. "What we do is that when the sand moves and buries our homes and farms and even our wells, we simply keep retreating southwards," says Aminu Mahmud, another villager who says he has already lost two different houses to the sand.

Al-Qaeda deputy 'mocks Bush plan'
BBC - 24/01/2007

Al-Qaeda's deputy leader has mocked US President George W Bush's plan to increase Iraq troop numbers in a video message, according to a US website. In the tape, apparently intercepted by US-based terrorism think tank Site, Ayman al-Zawahiri challenged Mr Bush to send "the entire army" to Iraq. The Iraqi insurgents would "bury 10 armies like yours", he said.

Magistrate quit over gay adoption
BBC - 24/01/2007

A Christian magistrate who quit family court duties because he does not agree with adoption by gay couples is taking his case to an employment tribunal. Andrew McClintock, who had served in the family courts in Sheffield for 15 years, said civil partnership laws clashed with his religious beliefs.

Sex assaults by teachers on students an 'epidemic' - 23/01/2007

An estimated five million students in United States schools have been assaulted sexually by teachers, according to a congressional report. But no one is calling for investigations or law enforcement crackdowns, there have been no campaigns to ban the offenders from schools, and in many states there aren't even any requirements such predator attacks be reported to education licensing agencies. "We have approximately five million children suffering and no one is calling for an investigation, for any kind of data to be collected to find out why that many children are being hurt by teachers," said Terri Miller, who runs probably the only organization in the nation that focuses specifically on assaults by educators on students. "This is an epidemic."

When a killer cloud hit Britain
BBC - 23/01/2007

A little over 200 years ago, the eruption of a volcano in Iceland sent a huge toxic cloud across Western Europe. It was the greatest natural disaster to hit modern Britain, killing many thousands - but it has been almost forgotten by history.

Record Biotech Plantings in 2006 - 20/01/2007

A biotechnology advocacy group reported Thursday that a record number of biotech crops were planted worldwide last year, but critics complained the gains were more of the same: aimed at making corn, soy and cotton crops resistant to weed killers and bugs.

Kelly in new storm over gay law
The Independent - 20/01/2007

Ruth Kelly is trying to water down new anti-discrimination laws to let Catholic adoption agencies turn away gay couples. Backed by Tony Blair, the embattled Communities secretary is at the centre of a full-scale cabinet row over the new gay rights laws. She was forced to postpone a formal letter setting out the exemption late last week because of opposition by her senior colleagues, The Independent on Sunday has learnt.

Australians face snake invasion
BBC - 20/01/2007

Australian wildlife officials warn that a serious drought is driving tens of thousands of snakes into urban areas.
Many venomous reptiles are moving into residential and business areas in search of moisture. Last week a 16-year-old boy in Sydney died from a bite by an Eastern Brown, one of the world's deadliest snakes.

War with Iran is imminent
WorldNetDaily - 18/01/2007

President Bush is putting into place a new political and military command team, all in preparation for an expanded war in the Middle East. We have already noted that the USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) aircraft carrier battle group is heading to the Persian Gulf to join the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) aircraft carrier battle group currently on station there. Along with each carrier attack group comes a fleet of 12 ships, including two guided missile-cruisers, generally Ticonderoga-class, two guided missile destroyers, generally Arleigh Burke-class, and an attack submarine that is usually Los Angeles-class.

Iran Takes Tough Stand Over Nuclear Row
AP - 18/01/2007

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashed back over the U.S. military buildup in the Gulf, saying Thursday that Iran is ready for any possibility in the standoff over its nuclear program. The president made clear he was not backing down in his tough rhetoric toward the United States, despite criticism at home. Conservatives and reformists alike have openly challenged Ahmadinejad's nuclear diplomacy tactics, many saying his fiery anti-Western remarks are doing more harm than good. Ahmadinejad said their calls for compromise echo "the words of the enemy."

The Oil Reserve 8 Times Bigger than Saudi Arabia's
Investment - 18/01/2007

All of a sudden, the oil sands in Alberta, Canada have become a veritable black gold mine. And Big Oil's heavy hitters are wishing they acted sooner. Just three years ago, when the average price of crude was $29.63 a barrel, producers didn't find the profits to be worth the costs of processing the oil sands. But improvements in mining technology have dramatically reduced the cost of extraction, rocketing bottom lines skyward.

Brown sets out his masterplan to reshape the world
timesonline - 18/01/2007

Gordon Brown has called for a new world order, to be achieved by reorganising international institutions including the United Nations and Nato. In a marked change of tone after years in which Tony Blair has been criticised for being too close to President Bush, the Chancellor emphasised the importance of working multinationally. And, in an agenda that would involve overhauling virtually all the world's big organisations, he promised that he would put Britain's interests and values at their heart.

Britain aims to sink Merkel's plan to revive EU referendum - 18/01/2007

Britain is aiming to scupper German plans to revive the European constitution in a direct assault on the main project of the EU presidency of Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor. Such a campaign, if successful, would free Tony Blair's successor from his promise to hold a referendum on the document. Mrs Merkel told the European Parliament yesterday that a failure to salvage the constitution after its rejection by French and Dutch voters would be an historic letdown and set a target for a new document by the end of 2008.

Cold snap clobbers California citrus crop - 17/01/2007

Three nights of freezing temperatures have destroyed up to three-quarters of California's $1 billion citrus crop, according to an estimate issued Monday as forecasters warned the weather could continue.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)