The dollar fell to a 26-year low against the British pound Monday ahead of an expected rate hike by the Bank of England later this week.
Three of the eight people arrested in connection with the failed car bombings in Glasgow and London had links to a hospital in Paisley.
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told his Iranian counterpart on Sunday the two oil-rich states, which have forged close ties in opposition to the United States, should cooperate to defeat imperialism, Iranian media said.
The text of a "Motu Proprio" (papal decision) regarding the revival of a controversial Latin mass will be made public this week, The Jerusalem Post has learned. Vatican officials stressed that the current text, which formerly called Jews "perfidious," contains no derogatory reference to Jews.
Hamas attempts to take over control of the Temple Mount as well as spread its ideology and recruit new members in Jerusalem have been foiled by the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency,) senior security official announced Monday.
Councils are being offered bonuses of millions of pounds if they meet controversial State adoption targets.
Gypsy moth caterpillars have wrought staggering damage - they have stripped bare an estimated 1.6 million acres of New Jersey and Pennsylvania trees in the last three months.
LOUD music blaring out in bars and nightclubs is a long-term threat to our hearing, a new report warned today.
JERUSALEM - The thwarted car bombings in London last week and the terror attack this weekend against Scotland's busiest airport were "completely justified" and likely the beginning of many more attacks in Britain, a prominent UK Islamist leader connected to terror supporting groups told WND yesterday.
Clashes between police and drug traffickers in a slum in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro left 19 people dead, officials have said.
Flooding in south-eastern Australia could leave hundreds of people stranded inside their homes for the next three days until the water recedes, officials said on Sunday.
The Telegraph reports that the incoming Portuguese EU Presidency has made it clear that Gordon Brown will be bound by the mandate for the revised EU Constitution agreed by Tony Blair last week.
Tony Blair was always going to return to London claiming "victory for Britain".
After signing the deal on the revised Constitutional Treaty, Tony Blair declared that it was a good deal for Britain because -The four essential things that we in the UK required in order to protect our position have all been obtained." But the 'red lines' were there as a smokescreen.