LOUD music blaring out in bars and nightclubs is a long-term threat to our hearing, a new report warned today.
JERUSALEM - The thwarted car bombings in London last week and the terror attack this weekend against Scotland's busiest airport were "completely justified" and likely the beginning of many more attacks in Britain, a prominent UK Islamist leader connected to terror supporting groups told WND yesterday.
Clashes between police and drug traffickers in a slum in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro left 19 people dead, officials have said.
Flooding in south-eastern Australia could leave hundreds of people stranded inside their homes for the next three days until the water recedes, officials said on Sunday.
The Telegraph reports that the incoming Portuguese EU Presidency has made it clear that Gordon Brown will be bound by the mandate for the revised EU Constitution agreed by Tony Blair last week.
Tony Blair was always going to return to London claiming "victory for Britain".
After signing the deal on the revised Constitutional Treaty, Tony Blair declared that it was a good deal for Britain because -The four essential things that we in the UK required in order to protect our position have all been obtained." But the 'red lines' were there as a smokescreen.
ZIMBABWE'S leading cleric has called on Britain to invade the country and topple President Robert Mugabe. Pius Ncube, the Archbishop of Bulawayo, warned that millions were facing death from famine, unable to survive amid inflation believed to have soared to 15,000%.
In a rare departure, the International Committee of the Red Cross on Friday publicly slammed Burma's military junta for human rights abuses that it said had caused "immense suffering" to civilians and prisoners.
The Vatican is expected to publish this week a document authorizing the use of a controversial Latin Mass, parts of which are deemed anti-Semitic, the Holy See announced Thursday.
Rescuers in Pakistan are struggling to bring aid to more than a million people hit by storms that have also struck many other areas in south Asia.
WEATHERFORD, Texas - A few hours after the Brazos River subsided enough to allow residents to return to their homes, a new threat of flooding on Saturday may force them to leave again.
The summer floods are God's judgment on the immorality and greed of modern society, claim senior Church of England bishops.
Many of the assertions Gore makes in his movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," have been refuted by science, both before and after he made them.
Eighteen months after the sarcophagus believed to have once contained the remains of St. Paul the apostle was positively identified by Vatican archaeologists, Pope Benedict XVI has given his approval to plans by investigators to examine the interior of the ancient stone coffin with an optical probe, according to a German Catholic paper.